The PDF is very difficult to parse automatically. There are some manual steps needed. Setting the correct year in the file should download the PDFs for every single Municipality in the folder data/$year/pdf You shoudl manually exctract the text similar to this: pdf_text data/$year/pdf/1.pdf > sezana.txt Edit the file assignign the places and dates to dicitonaries in a defined group You should replace the month names with numbers and add the year. Something similar to the commands in should do. The final result should be something similar: Sezana = [ { "group": "A", "places": ["Avber", "Dobravlje", "Gradnje", "Kazlje", "Ponikve", "Štorje"], "dates": ["3-1-2024", "31-1-2024", "29-2-2024", "28-3-2024", "29-4-2024", "29-5-2024", "27-6-2024", "25-7-2024", "26-8-2024", "23-9-2024", "21-10-2024", "19-11-2024", "17-12-2024"] }, { "group": "B", "places": ["Dutovlje", "Križ", "Šepulje", "Šmarje pri Sežani", "Tomaj"], "dates": ["4-1-2024", "1-2-2024", "4-3-2024", "2-4-2024", "30-4-2024", "30-5-2024", "1-7-2024", "29-7-2024", "27-8-2024", "24-9-2024", "22-10-2024", "20-11-2024", "18-12-2024"] }, ]
Koledar odvoza odpadkov Komunala Sežana (Divača, Hrpelje-Kozina, Komen, Sežana)