
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



graph TD
    A(fa:fa-cloud Progress) -->|Issues| B[fa:fa-gear Progress Mirroring]
    C(fa:fa-cloud Bugzilla) -->|Issues| D[fa:fa-gear Bugzilla Mirroring]
    B -->|std Issues| E(fa:fa-database Database)
    D -->|std Issues| E
    E -->|std Issues| F[fa:fa-gear Querying]
    F -->|std Issues| G[fa:fa-gear Metrics]
    G -->|statistics| H[fa:fa-gear Formating]
    H -->|influx db line format| I(fa:fa-database Influxdb)
    I --> J(fa:fa-chart-pie Grafana)


Dumping progress issues into local DB for further processing

  1. Create the a redmine config file as a python file. e.g. config.py
  2. define following variables in this file:
    • PROGRESS_URL - URL to target Redmine from where tickets will be dumped
    • PROGRESS_KEY - API key allowing to access PROGRESS_URL
    • REDMINE_DB - Sqlite DB where tickets will be dumped
  3. execute :
podman run  -ti --rm -v <your_redmine_config_path>:/pms/redmine/config.py pms "./dumper.py --project <project_name>"


Import SQLiteQuery

from metrics.sqlite_query import SQLiteQuery

Create the object

query = SQLiteQuery(<file>)



Get all issues params:

  • filter: A dict of filters e.g. project_id=1 return: A list of issues

query.status_snapshot(date, **filters)

Get all the active and resolved issues with the status in a especific moment params:

  • date (datetime): The date for the snapshot. None means the last values
  • *filter: A dict of filters e.g. project_id=1 return: A list of issues


result = query.status_snapshot(date=datetime(2023, 1, 1), project_id=1)

query.issues_active_in_period(date_in, date_out, **filters)

Get all the issues that are active (not closed) during a period of time params:

  • date_in (datetime): The begining of the period
  • date_out (datetime): The end of the period
  • filter: A dict of filters e.g. project_id=1 return: A list of issues


Import Metrics and SQLiteQuery if is necessary

from metrics.metrics import Metrics
from metrics.sqlite_query import SQLiteQuery

Create the objects

query = SQLiteQuery(<file>)
metrics = Metrics(query)



Classify the issues by status and return the ammount in each category params:

  • filter: A dict of filters e.g. project_id=1

return: A dict with the format <status_id:count>

status_count_by_date(date, **filters)

Classify the issues by status and return the ammount in each category params:

  • filter: A dict of filters e.g. project_id=1

return: A dict with the format <status_id:count>


from metrics.influxdb_formater import MetricsInfluxdbFormater


format_dict(measurement_name, values, date, **filters)

Format a dictionary with the format key:value params:

  • measurement_name: Messurement name for the influx db
  • values: the dictionary with the format <status_id:count>
  • date: the date of the measurement
  • filter: the filters used to obtain this messurement return: A formated string


Create the containers

There are four alternatives:

  • podman-container: Create the main container using podman
  • podman-container-test: Create the container for testing using podman
  • docker-container: Create the main container with docker
  • docker-container-test: Create the container for testing using docker


make docker-container

The container created are:

  • pms: For the main container
  • pms_test: For the testing container


With podman or docker

podman run --rm pms <command>


With podman or docker

podman run --rm pms_test make test

Development in a container

With podman or docker

podman run -ti --rm -v <your_code_path>:/pms pms_test bash