aips2sqlite - creates an SQLite DB from AIPS, Swissmedic, BAG and Refdata
java version "1.8.0_92" (tested on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)
Build aips2sqlite.jar from commandline
make aips2sqlite
the output will be placed here: build/libs
Clean the build folder
make clean
On some systems it may be necessary to increase the heap space with the Java option -Xmx, see below for an example.
--alpha=<char> generate sqlite database or xml file for meds whose title starts with 'char'
--help print help
--indications generate report about keywords found in section indications (folder output)
--inter generate drug interaction files as an sqlite database and a csv data file
--lang=<arg> generate database with given language, two options are supported: 'de' and 'fr'
--nodown do not download the aips, swissmedic, bag and refdata files
--owner=<owner> generate sqlite database or xml file for meds whose holder starts with 'owner'
--pinfo generate Patinfo (default is Fachinfo)
--quiet be extra quiet
--regnr=<number> generate sqlite database or xml file for meds whose registration number starts with 'number'
--reports generate parse and owner error reports (folder output)
--verbose be extra verbose
--version print the version information and exit
--xml generate xml file
--zip generate zipped versions sqlite database or xml file
Generate German SQLite database including report file:
$ java -jar aips2sqlite.jar --lang=de --verbose --reports
Generate French SQLite database, do not download any files and be extra quiet:
$ java -jar aips2sqlite.jar --lang=fr --quiet --nodown
Generate zipped German database for all med titles starting with P including a parse and section indication reports:
$ java -jar aips2sqlite.jar --lang=de --alpha=P --verbose --reports --nodown --indications --zip
Generate zipped French database and xml file for meds with registration number starting with N
$ java -jar aips2sqlite.jar --lang=fr --xml --regnr=N --verbose --nodown --zip
To increase the heap space use the option -Xmx
$ java -jar -Xmx2048m aips2sqlite.jar --lang=de --verbose --reports