
AmiKo for Windows, written in C#

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

AmiKo Windows (a.k.a. AmiKo C#)

AmiKo for Windows, written in C#. Applications are available in the Microsoft store now!

Name Language Build
AmiKo Desitin Deutsch (Schweiz) Build in Azure Pipelines
CoMed Desitin Français (Suisse) Build in Azure Pipelines

Another version for the macOS is also available. See AmiKo-OSX.


Compendium Interactions Addressbook Prescription


  • All legally registered drugs of Switzerland
  • 15'913 Drug-Drug Interactions
  • Full-Text-Search (FTS) with Keyword highlighting
  • Patient Management (outlook format CSV integration)
  • Prescriptions (with comment, import/export support)
  • Documents Printing

Search by:

  • Drug Tradename
  • Active Agent
  • Registration Holder
  • ATC-Code
  • Drug Indication
  • Registration-Number
  • Full-Text Search

All data can be updated on daily basis.



  • NuGet >= 4.6.2
  • MSBuild >= 14.0
  • .NET Core SDK (2.1.105)
  • .NET Core Runtime (2.0.7)
  • .NET Framework (4.6.2)

Or just setup Visual Studio >= 2015

And for testing.

  • NUnit (>= 3.10.1)
  • NUnit Console (>= 3.8.0)

For release.

  • Windows Kit 10 (10.0.17134.0)
  • Desktop App Converter


Checkout the source code

If you check out the source code on Linux on Windows, it seems that it must be readonly on Windows. You can still build it on there on Windows using MSBuild or Visual Studio etc., but you cannot modify existing files on there from Windows side.

See: Do not change Linux files using Windows apps and tools.

Possible Locations
  • Linux on Windows (Readonly on Windows)
  • Windows (Readable/Editable also on Linux on Windows via /mnt)

Prepare Initial Database Files

At first, you need to put database and csv files into Data directory. Once you have built the app with these files, you can update it via the feature of the app.

It can be done by running download.ps1 with Powershell, or:

$ cd /path/to/project
% mkdir -p AmiKoWindows/Data/{de,fr}

# AmiKoDesitin
$ cd AmiKoWindows/Data/de
$ curl -sLO http://pillbox.oddb.org/amiko_report_de.html

$ curl -sLO http://pillbox.oddb.org/amiko_db_full_idx_de.zip
$ curl -sLO http://pillbox.oddb.org/amiko_frequency_de.db.zip
$ curl -sLO http://pillbox.oddb.org/drug_interactions_csv_de.zip
$ unzip amiko_db_full_idx_de.zip
$ unzip amiko_frequency_de.db.zip
$ unzip drug_interactions_csv_de.zip

# CoMedDesitin
$ cd AmiKoWindows/Data/fr
$ curl -sLO http://pillbox.oddb.org/amiko_report_fr.html

$ curl -sLO http://pillbox.oddb.org/amiko_db_full_idx_fr.zip
$ curl -sLO http://pillbox.oddb.org/amiko_frequency_fr.db.zip
$ curl -sLO http://pillbox.oddb.org/drug_interactions_csv_fr.zip
$ unzip amiko_db_full_idx_fr.zip
$ unzip amiko_frequency_fr.db.zip
$ unzip drug_interactions_csv_fr.zip



*: We have purchased Glyphish icons and modified them for this project. It's not redistributed under GPL-3.0 (as icons). Because it's not open source project, you cannot take them as icons from this project, can just use them as a part of our source code. See Glyphish-License.txt.


If you have checked out the project on Linux on Windows, NuGet can't handle long path on the PowerShell on Windows, correctly. So you need to set symbolic link using mklink and environment variable on Command Prompt or PowerShell (using /c).

See: NuGet and long file name support #3324.

# This is project location, for example environment variable `AmiKo` is set as:
# C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Packages\TheDebian...\LocalState\rootfs
#   \home\<user>\path\to\project

C:\Windows\system32> cd C:\Users\<USER>

# Or `cmd /c mklink /D AmiKo %AmiKo%` on PowerShell
C:\Users\<USER>> mklink /d AmiKo %AmiKo%
C:\Users\<USER>> cd AmiKo

And then, you can download packages (into Packages). on PowerShell:

# Downloads NuGet.exe (windows x86 Commandline) here
C:\Users\<USER>\AmiKo> .\NuGet.exe install "AmiKoWindows/packages.config"

On Linux on Windows, it's not affected to long path name problem. on Bash (Linux on Windows with Mono):

# You can just do it (e.g. `/usr/local/bin/nuget.exe`)
user@host:/path/to/project $ nuget install AmiKoWindows/packages.config

Fill in Google API Client ID and Secret for Google Drive Syncing

  1. Rename GoogleConstants.cs.sample to AmiKoWindows\Source\GoogleConstants.cs
  2. Fill the the details in the file


From this step, you may need to use PowerShell on Windows.

  • Configuration (Debug or Release)
  • Platform (AnyCPU, x86 or x64.)
  • Log (Trace or None)

Using MSBuild

You would need to install Microsoft Build Tools 2015 from here.

Use >= 14.0 (installed one by Microsoft Build Tools 2015). Or, you may want to use special command prompt like Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017 bundled in Visual Studio.

# Check the location of `MSBuild.exe`
PS C:\Users\... > Resolve-Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersion\* | Get-ItemProperty -Name MSBuildToolsPath

MSBuildToolsPath : C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\amd64\
PSPath           : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\14.0

MSBuildToolsPath : C\:Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\
PSPath           : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\4.0

Build with MSBuild on PowerShell (You need to set PATH for MSBuild.exe):

# AmiKoDesitin
PS C:\Users\...> MSBuild.exe .\AmiKoWindows\AmiKoDesitin.csproj /t:Clean
PS C:\Users\...> MSBuild.exe .\AmiKoWindows\AmiKoDesitin.csproj /t:Build /p:Configuration=Debug

# CoMedDesitin
PS C:\Users\...> MSBuild.exe .\AmiKoWindows\CoMedDesitin.csproj /t:Clean
PS C:\Users\...> MSBuild.exe .\AmiKoWindows\CoMedDesitin.csproj /t:Build /p:Configuration=Debug

And then, you can start or kill {AmiKo|CoMed}Desitin.exe in bin directory like this:

# AmiKoDesitin
PS C:\Users\...> Start-Process '.\AmiKoWindows\bin\Debug\AmiKo\AmiKo Desitin.exe'
PS C:\Users\...> Get-Process 'AmiKo Desitin' | Stop-Process
PS C:\Users\...> taskkill /im 'AmiKo Desitin.exe' /f

# CoMedDesitin
PS C:\Users\...> Start-Process '.\AmiKoWindows\bin\Debug\AmiKo\CoMed Desitin.exe'
PS C:\Users\...> Get-Process 'CoMed Desitin' | Stop-Process
PS C:\Users\...> taskkill /im 'CoMed Desitin.exe' /f

There is also a script to build and invoke the application.

# AmiKoDesitin (Debug is default)
PS C:\Users\...> PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\BuildAndRun.ps1 "AmiKo"

# CoMedDesitin
PS C:\Users\...> PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\BuildAndRun.ps1 "CoMed" "Debug"

Finally, You need to debug the app with DebugView or WinDbg etc. (Set /p:Log=Trace for Trace)


Building with Visual Studio Community Edition

1. AmiKoWindows -> Navigate {AmiKoDesitin|CoMedDesitin} -> Properties (Right Click)
  a. Set assembly name
  b. Set assembly information (Title, Product, Assembly version, File version)
2. Confirm Signing Tab
3. Check Security
4. Set target project using `Set as StartUp Project` (Right Click on the Solution Name)
5. Clean Solution (both projects)
5. Rebuild target project (AmiKoDesitin or CoMedDesitin)
6. (Publish)

Building with Visual Studio Community Edition via Commandline

or you can add this to your Path

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\amd64

and this will work as well from your Source Directory

PS C:\Users\...> MSBuild.exe .\AmiKoWindows\AmiKoDesitin.csproj /t:Clean
PS C:\Users\...> MSBuild.exe .\AmiKoWindows\AmiKoDesitin.csproj /t:Build /p:Configuration=Debug
PS C:\Users\...> Start-Process '.\AmiKoWindows\bin\Debug\AmiKo\AmiKo Desitin.exe'

# or just do
PS C:\Users\...> PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\BuildAndRun.ps1 "AmiKo"

Building Installer with WiX

  • Get The WiX toolset
  • Build Amiko / Comed with Release configuration
  • Run MakeMsi.ps1 with Powershell
    • Make sure you have WiX command in PATH,
    • ;C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.11\bin
  • The output should be at:
    • AmikoWindows\bin\Release\Amiko-Installer\Amiko-Installer.msi
    • AmikoWindows\bin\Release\Comed-Installer\Comed-Installer.msi


You would need following steps.

  1. Convert Exe binary to Appx using MakeRelease.ps1
  2. Update AppxManifest.xml
  3. Re-Package Assets using Package.ps1
  4. Re-Signing

0. Using Desktop App Converter (Desktop Bridge)

Download Desktop App Converter from Microsoft Store. And then use MakeRelease.ps1 script with your signing certificate and key. (In PowerShell run as Administrator)

Before making release build, check build configuration and version etc. in following files.

  • AmiKoWindows/{AmiKoDesitin.appx.manifest,CoMedDesitin.appx.manifest}
  • AmiKoWindows/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
  • MakeRelease.ps1
# As Administrator

# AmiKoDesitin
PS C:\Users\...> PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\MakeRelease.ps1 "AmiKo" "Debug"
PS C:\Users\...> PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\MakeRelease.ps1 "AmiKo" "Release"

# CoMedDesitin
PS C:\Users\...> PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\MakeRelease.ps1 "CoMed" "Debug"
PS C:\Users\...> PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\MakeRelease.ps1 "CoMed" "Release"

Appx will be generated in AmiKoWindows/bin/{Debug,Release}/Output/{AmiKo,CoMed}.

1. Fix AppxManifest.xml

Currently, -AppFileTypes option of DesktopAppConverter does not work expectedly for out configurations. Although fix AppxManifest.xml manually.


  • AmiKoWindows/bin/Release/Output/yweseeGmbH.AmiKo/PackageFiles/AppxManifest.xml
  • AmiKoWindows/bin/Release/Output/yweseeGmbH.CoMedDesitin/PackageFiles/AppxManifest.xml
# add missing entries `Extensions`


      <uap:Extension Category="windows.fileTypeAssociation">
        <uap:FileTypeAssociation Name="amk">

2. Bundle Assets for Windows 10

Package.ps1 script does also this step. If you want manually do it again. you can follow these instructions:

# As Administrator

# AmiKoDesitin
PS C:\Users\...> PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\Package.ps1 "AmiKo" "Debug"
PS C:\Users\...> PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\Package.ps1 "AmiKo" "Release"

# CoMedDesitin
PS C:\Users\...> PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\Package.ps1 "CoMed" "Debug"
PS C:\Users\...> PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\Package.ps1 "CoMed" "Release"


  1. Make sure 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.17134.0\x64\{makepri,makeappx}.exe' exist (Version 10.0.17134, and set also PATH, as you need)
  2. Go to AmiKoWindows/bin/Release/Output/yweseeGmbH.AmiKo/PackageFiles
  3. Copy all Assets in AmiKoWindows/Assets/ to AmiKoWindows/bin/Release/Output/yweseeGmbH.AmiKo/PackageFiles/Assets/ (Overwrite)
  4. Create pri files
  5. Re-Package using MakeAppx.exe
# e.g. AmiKoDesitin

# Change directory into **PackageFiles**
PS C:\Users\...> cd AmiKoWindows/bin/Release/Output/yweseeGmbH.AmiKo/PackageFiles

PS C:\Users\...> rm .\Assets -r -fo
PS C:\Users\...> cp ..\..\..\..\..\Assets .

# MakePri.exe
PS C:\Users\...> 'makepri.exe' createconfig /cf priconfig.xml /dq de-CH

# It seems that it needs absolute path...
PS C:\Users\...> 'makepri.exe' new \
  /pr C:\Users\<user>\path\to\amiko_csharp\AmiKoWindows\bin\Release\Output\yweseeGmbH.AmiKo\PackageFiles\ \
  /cf C:\Users\<user>\path\to\amiko_csharp\AmiKoWindows\bin\Release\Output\yweseeGmbH.AmiKo\PackageFiles\priconfig.xml

# MakeAppx.exe
PS C:\Users\...> 'makeappx.exe' pack /d .\ /p "AmiKo Desitin"

# Replace appx
PS C:\Users\...> Move-Item -Path "AmiKoWindows\bin\Release\Output\yweseeGmbH.AmiKo\PackageFiles\AmiKo Desitin.appx" `
      -Destination "AmiKoWindows\bin\Release\Output\yweseeGmbH.AmiKo\yweseeGmbH.AmiKo.appx" -Force

3. Re-Signing

# Sign (again)
PS C:\Users\...> signtool.exe sign /fd <HASH ALGORITHM> /a /f <PFX> /p <PASSWORD> <FILE>.appx

NOTE: You need to install this pfx certificate into Trusted People on Local Machine via Certificate Wizard. Use importpfx.exe importpfx.exe -f "somePfx.pfx" -p "somePassword" -t MACHINE -s "TRUSTEDPEOPLE"



To clean built cache data or resources etc. (for debug, .exe)

PS C:\Users\...> taskkill /im 'AmiKo Desitin.exe' /f
PS C:\Users\...> MSBuild.exe .\AmiKoWindows\AmiKoDesitin.csproj /t:Clean

PS C:\Users\...> taskkill /im 'CoMed Desitin.exe' /f
PS C:\Users\...> MSBuild.exe .\AmiKoWindows\CoMedDesitin.csproj /t:Clean

User Settings

# Just delete these directories (or delete `user.config` in there)
PS C:\Users\...> rm 'C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\ywesee\AmiKo Desitin.exe*' -f -fo
PS C:\Users\...> rm 'C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\ywesee\CoMed Desitin.exe*' -f -fo

Application Resources

  • Fachinfo Text DB
  • Favorites
  • Interaction Basket
  • Doctor(Operator) Profile Photo
# e.g. Profile Photo (for debug, .exe)
PS C:\Users\...> rm 'C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\ywesee\AmiKo Desitin\*.png' -f -fo
PS C:\Users\...> rm 'C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\ywesee\CoMed Desitin\*.png' -f -fo

Contacts and Prescriptions

To reset AddressBook entries and Prescriptions files (.amk files).

# AmiKoDesitin (for debug, .exe)
PS C:\Users\...> taskkill /im 'AmiKo Desitin.exe' /f
PS C:\Users\...> rm 'C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Temp\amiko*' -r -fo
PS C:\Users\...> rm 'C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\ywesee\Amiko Desitin\amk\*' -r -fo
PS C:\Users\...> rm .\AmiKoWindows\bin\Debug\AmiKo\* -r -fo

# CoMedDesitin (for debug, .exe)
PS C:\Users\...> taskkill /im 'CoMed Desitin.exe' /f
PS C:\Users\...> rm 'C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Temp\comed*' -r -fo
PS C:\Users\...> rm 'C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\ywesee\CoMed Desitin\amk\*' -r -fo
PS C:\Users\...> rm .\AmiKoWindows\bin\Debug\CoMed\* -r -fo


See projects in AmiKoWindows.Tests. Tests are written in NUnit.

PS C:\Users\...> taskkill /im 'MSBuild.exe' /f

# AmiKoDesitin
PS C:\Users\...> MSBuild.exe .\AmiKoWindows.Tests\AmiKoDesitin.Test.csproj /t:Clean
PS C:\Users\...> MSBuild.exe .\AmiKoWindows.Tests\AmiKoDesitin.Test.csproj /t:Build /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64
PS C:\Users\...> .\Package\NUnit.ConseleRunner.3.8.0\tools\nunit3-console.exe .\AmiKoWindows.Tests\bin\Debug\AmiKo\AmiKoDesitin.Test.dll --output TestOutput.log

# CoMedDesitin
PS C:\Users\...> MSBuild.exe .\AmiKoWindows.Tests\CoMedDesitin.Test.csproj /t:Clean
PS C:\Users\...> MSBuild.exe .\AmiKoWindows.Tests\CoMedDesitin.Test.csproj /t:Build /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64
PS C:\Users\...> .\Package\NUnit.ConsoleRunner.3.8.0\tools\nunit3-console.exe .\AmiKoWindows.Tests\bin\Debug\CoMed\CoMedDesitin.Test.dll --output TestOutput.log

Or you can just execute tests using RunTest.ps1 like this.

# AmiKoDesitin
PS C:\Users\...> PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\RunTest.ps1 "AmiKo"

# CoMedDesitin
PS C:\Users\...> PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\RunTest.ps1 "CoMed"



AmiKo for Windows
Copyright (c) ywesee GmbH


Please contact:

+41 43 540 05 50