
Convert a gdt file and an image folder to a dicom file

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Convert a gdt file and an image folder to a dicom file


cargo build

The binary should be built at ./target/debug/gdt2dicom and ./target/debug/dicom2gdt

GDT to Dicom

You can run the binary like this:

./target/debug/gdt2dicom --gdt-file <GDT_FILE> --jpegs <FOLDER CONTAINING JPEGS> --output <OUTPUT DCM PATH>

By default it searches for a xml file for Dicom in the jpegs folder (#5), if it cannot find one it uses a default file. You can also specify the xml file with the -d or --dicom-xml flag.

Dicom to GDT

You can convert Dicom 2 GDT as well.

./target/debug/dicom2gdt --dicom-file <DCM FILE> [--gdt-file <GDT FILE>] [--jpegs <PATH TO JPEGS>]
  • --gdt-file or -g is optional, when it's not present, it will be outputed to stdout.
  • --jpegs or -j is optional, when it's not present, images will not be exported.

GDT zu Worklist file

You can convert a GDT file to a Worklist file doing

gdt2dicom --gdt-file epat.gdt --output epat.wl

GDT to Open Practice Protocol

./target/debug/gdt2opp --gdt-file <DCM FILE> --output opp.xml