Dynamic 365 Business Central Project

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Welcome to the Dynamic 365 Business Central Project repository. This project is a collection of resources, code, and tools for working with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. The project is designed to be used with the AL Language extension for Visual Studio Code. The project is also designed to be used with the Dynamics 365 Business Central Sandbox for testing and development purposes.

Table of Contents

  1. Enums - Enumeration types used in the project.
  2. Extensions - Custom extensions for extending Business Central functionality.
  3. Pages - Customized page layouts and designs.
  4. Reports - Report templates and designs.
  5. Multi Table - Multi-table functionality and documentation.
  6. Tables - Database table schemas and descriptions.
  7. Code Unit - Custom code units for various tasks.
  8. Codeunit Calculator Task - Specific code unit for calculator functionality.
  9. .gitignore - Git configuration file for ignored files and directories.
  10. init - Initialization scripts and resources.
  11. app.json - JSON configuration file for the Business Central application.

Disclaimer: This project is not affiliated with or endorsed by Microsoft. "Microsoft" and "Dynamics 365 Business Central" are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.I am Learning Dynamic 365 Business Central as an intern at berger tech bd.