
Employee History

Employee Training

Employee Leave


  • Employee No. - Code[20], Table Reference = Employee (Primary Key)
  • Entry No. - Integer (Primary Key)
  • From Date - (Validation)
  • To Date - (Validation) [From Date must not be the same as To Date] && [From Date must be earlier than To Date]
  • Leave Type - Code[10]
  • Description - Text[100]
  • Leave Quantity - Decimal
  • Leave Remaining - Integer
  • Unit of Measure Code - Code [10], Table Reference = "Human Resource Unit of Measure”. Code
  • Comment - Boolean


  • Entry No. - Auto-Generated
  • Date Validation
  • Leave Quantity = To Date – From Date
  • Action to "Calculate Leave Remaining" calculates total absence data and updates the Leave Remaining field. (Leave remaining calculation data is obtained from Employee Absence for individual employees)
  • Leave remaining cannot be negative. If Leave Remaining is less than zero, it is displayed as zero.
  • Comment - Boolean

Leave Application


  • Employee No. - Code[20], Table Reference = Employee (Primary Key)
  • Entry No. - Integer (Primary Key)
  • From Date - (Validation)
  • To Date - (Validation) [From Date must not be the same as To Date] && [From Date must be earlier than To Date]
  • Leave Type - Code[10]
  • Description - Text[100]
  • Leave Quantity - Decimal
  • Leave Remaining - Integer
  • Unit of Measure Code - Code [10], Table Reference = "Human Resource Unit of Measure”. Code
  • Comment - Boolean
  • Status - Option (Open, Pending, Approved, Released, Rejected)


  • Entry No. - Auto-Generated
  • Date Validation
  • Leave Quantity = To Date – From Date
  • Action to "Calculate Leave Remaining" calculates total absence data and updates the Leave Remaining field. (Leave remaining calculation data is obtained from Employee Absence for individual employees)
  • Leave remaining cannot be negative. If Leave Remaining is less than zero, it is displayed as zero.
  • Comment - Boolean
  • Status - When the status is Released, store the data in the “Absence Registration” Table.