License Plate Tracker

How to install :

  • Install Python, Nodejs, environment variable path for both (usually automatically)
  • Update pip: py -m pip install -U pip
  • Go to service folder, run

pip install attrs

pip install Click

pip install Flask

pip install Flask-Cors

pip install flask-restx

pip install itsdangerous

pip install Jinja2

pip install jsonschema

pip install MarkupSafe

pip install numpy

pip install pandas

pip install pyrsistent

pip install python-dateutil

pip install pytz

pip install scikit-learn

pip install scipy

pip install six

pip install sklearn

pip install Werkzeug

pip install wget

pip install aniso8601


  • Go to ui folder, run

npm install

How to run:

  • Go to service folder, run

python -m flask run

  • Go to ui folder, run

npm start