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 ____            _    ____                   ____                           _       
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|____/ \__,_|\__,_|  \____|\__,_|\__, |___/ |_|   |_|  \___||___/\___|_| |_|\__|___/

Inspired by @Anduin2017 and a great experience spending dinners with Cyber Security Bad Guys, we are happy to create this project to share our recipes.

The dishes included in the project are already appeared in our dinner table.


  1. The cooking environment is based on Lancaster University Graduate College Superior Ensuite kitchen. You might need to adjust slightly some steps if you are in a different environment (mostly heat and cooking time).
  2. Cooking needs great attention, do not leave your food cooking without any reminders.
  3. Some dishes like soup may take more than 2 hours to cook, please be patient and set up reminders to avoid any kitchen accidents.
  4. As the chefs are not very familiar with the allergies or the vegetarian/vegan sorting, you can always check the ingredients to see if the dish is suitable for you.
  5. 菜谱中的**菜都是经过改造的版本,为了保证在英国能买到相应的食材,运用英国当地贫瘠的食材做了替代(并标明了在哪里可以买到)











Coming Soon 敬请期待

wwdpm_b1owcar's studying list

  • 大盘鸡
  • 烫干丝
  • 西湖醋鱼
  • 红烧牛肉面
  • 红烧牛肉


How to create fire on an electromagnetic oven, please find chances to visit our kitchen to witness the talent show live, the chefs will teach you hand by hand!!!

The fire is created by oil, which will burn after it reaches its burning point.

However, there is a sequel debutted on Feburary 19, 2023 by the same chef, this time the fire was not at the bottom of the pot but inside the pot.

Warning: The footages showed above are not CGI! Please do not try it unsafely. We do not take any responsibilities if you set your kitchen on fire.

Wish List

Fill this form for the dish you want to see in our menu.

For developers

  1. Please put your dishes into the folder "dishes" as a .md file.
  2. Please note that there must be no space in the file name.
  3. There is a template file that you can use to edit your dishes.