
Currently only works with systemd.

WARNING: THERE IS A BUG To make the script work, after the first time you run it, manually edit the file /etc/ and from the line that starts with hosts, delete the word dns (if it's there). This will be fixed.

How to use

limitedinternet on: enable limited mode (access to certain websites only)
limitedinternet off: disable limited mode (access to all websites)

  • In the directory you downloaded the script, create a file called websites.txt.
  • This files should contain all the websites you want to have access to, when on limited mode.
  • Write a website per line.

Example websites.txt file:

(Don't write https:// or http//)
(You may need to restart your browser after turning limitedinternet on.)

That's it!

If you use /etc/hosts for other purposes read on

In case, you want to add additional entries to your /etc/hosts either when limitedinternet is on or off, create 2 files on the directory the script was downloaded:

  • other_on.txt
    additional entries for when limitedinternet is on
  • other_off.txt
    additional entries for when limitedinternet is off

Those files are appended to /etc/hosts as is. So, they must be (ip address, domain name) pairs separated by whitespace.

Example other_off.txt file:     wo.w