Pluto React App

This is a sample project that lists Cryptocurrencies from the CoinMarketCap API. The project is powered by Create React App, Material UI and React Router.

Try it out


  • Node.js >= 12

Getting start

  1. Obtain a CoinMarketCap Pro API Key from

    Note: If you don't configure the CoinMarketCap Pro API Key the project will fallback to the CoinMarketCap Sandbox API and will therefore expose only mock data

  2. Create a .env file in the project root with the CoinMarketCap API endpoint and key like this:


    the result will look like this:

    $ ls -a
    .  ..  config-overrides.js  .env  .git  .gitignore  package.json  package-lock.json  .prettierrc  public  src  tsconfig.json
    $ cat .env
  3. Install all the project dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Start the project locally:

    npm start

    If the project will not open automatically in your default browser go to http://localhost:3000/


Connect to the MetaMask wallet


  • MetaMask Browser extension installed
  • At least one account in MetaMask
  • And MetaMask must be unlocked
  1. Click on the Login icon in the top-right corner of the App
  2. A MetaMask pop-up will open where you can select the account to connect
  3. After connecting an Account always in the top-right corner you can open the drop-down with your account address