
Hardware Description Languages

Awesome Hardware Description Languages Awesome

A curated list of amazingly awesome hardware description language projects.

Hardware development

HDL doc

HDL simulators and compilers

Meta HDL and Transpilers

  • C++

    • SystemC - an IEEE standard meta-HDL
    • VisualHDL - an integrated development environment (IDE) rapid design for FPGAs
  • Haskell

  • Java

  • JavaScript

    • reqack - elastic circuit toolchain
    • hdl-js - Hardware description language (HDL) parser, and Hardware simulator.
    • shdl - Simple Hardware Description Language
  • Julia

  • Python

    • HWT Meta HDL, verification env. IP-core generator, analysis tools, HDL glue
    • garnet Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture generator based on magma, 2018+
    • magma - Meta HDL, 2017+
    • migen - Meta HDL, 2011+
    • MyHDL - Process based HDL, verification framework included, 2004+
    • nMigen - A refreshed Python toolbox for building complex digital hardware, 2018+
    • Pyrope - Python-like language supporting "fluid pipelines" and "live flow", 2017+
    • PyRTL - Meta HDL, simulator suitable for research.
    • PyMTL - Process based HDL, verification framework included, 2014+
    • veriloggen - Python, Verilog centric meta HDL with HLS like features, 2015-?
  • Ruby

  • Rust

  • Scala

  • C#

    • Quokka - C# to low-level RTL translator (Verilog, VHDL) and simulation toolkit examples (gates, components, RISC-V, SoC)


  • hlslibs - ac_math, ac_dsp, ac_types
  • legup - 2011-2015, LLVM based c->verilog
  • bambu - 2003-?, GCC based c->verilog
  • augh - c->verilog, DSP support
  • https://github.com/utwente-fmt - abstract hls, verification libraries
  • Shang - 2012-2014, LLVM based, c->verilog
  • xronos - 2012, java, simple HLS
  • Potholes - 2012-2014 - polyhedral model preprocessor, Uses Vivado HLS, PET
  • hls_recurse - 2015-2016 - conversion of recursive fn. for stackless architectures
  • hg_lvl_syn - 2010, ILP, Force Directed scheduler
  • abc <2008-?, A System for Sequential Synthesis and Verification
  • polyphony - 2015-2017, simple python to hdl
  • DelayGraph - 2016, C#, register assignment algorithms
  • ahaHLS - 2019, An open source high level synthesis (HLS) tool using LLVM
  • combinatorylogic/soc - 2019, An experimental System-on-Chip with a custom compiler toolchain.
  • Quokka - C# to HL RTL translator
  • Vitis - LLVM based, made by Xilinx. user manual

Other HDL languages

  • act - asynchronous circuit/compiler tools
  • autopiper
  • TL-Verilog - 2015+, Supports "timing-abstract" and "transaction-level design" methodologies; supported by proprietary and open-source tools

Hardware Intermediate Representations

  • coreir - 2016-?, LLVM HW compiler## License
  • lgraph - 2017-?, A Multi-Language Synthesis and Simulation IR for Hardware Design
  • firrtl - 2016-?, Flexible Intermediate Representation for RTL
  • LLHD - Low Level Hardware Description — A foundation for building hardware design tools

Synthesis tools

Visualization and Documentation generators

  • bitfield - Javascript bit field diagram renderer
  • d3-wave - Javascript wave graph visualizer for RTL simulations
  • d3-hwschematic - Javascript hierarchycal schematic visualizer for HDLs
  • wavedrom - Javascript wave graph visualizer for documentations and sim.
  • netlistsvg - Javascript schematic visualizer
  • sphinx-hwt - Plugin for sphinx documentation generator which adds shematic into html documentaion.

HDL parsers

  • hdlConvertor - Fast (System) Verilog/VHDL parser writen as C++ extension for Python
  • pyVHDLParser - VHDL parser written in Python
  • rust_hdl - VHDL parser and language server written in Rust
  • sv-parser - IEEE 1800-2017 System Verilog Parser written in Rust
  • verible - Verible provides a SystemVerilog parser, style-linter, and formatter.

Other Simulation tools

  • midas - FPGA-Accelerated Simulation Framework Automatically Transforming Arbitrary RTL
  • cocotb - A coroutine based cosimulation library for writing VHDL and Verilog testbenches in Python

Other Design Automation tools

  • RgGen - Code generator tool to generate RTL, UVM RAL models and Wiki documents from CSR specifications
  • sv-tests - Test suite designed to check compliance with the SystemVerilog standard



To the extent possible under law, Aliaksei Chapyzhenka has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.