
VarCoVaR RiskMeter 2.0 (CopyRight by Lukas Borke)

VarCoVaR RiskMeter 2.0 (CopyRight by Lukas Borke)

  • Black dots: Lambda time series
  • Red dots: VarCoVaR time series

Lambda time series is shifted for better comparison, VarCoVaR time series without shifting

The VarCoVaR RiskMeter shows

  • a better pronounced behaviour (than the old FRM version)
  • the Pearson correlation between both time series: 0.968
  • a clear visual correlation with the Lambda structure
  • that market heights and lows are better captured
  • a clear, concise statistical definition and derivation: conditional variance of CoVaR
  • a clear economic interpretation: volatility of the (Co)VaR according to the covariates
  • in contrast to the abstract Lambda index the VarCoVaR scale, which is the value domain of the (Co)VaR
  • that the Lambda value domain does not start with zero: clear disadvantage in comparison with VarCoVaR. "No risk" should start with zero.
  • a better spread between extreme values
  • more stability over different companies but still different and individual characterizations
  • the incorporation of the whole market volatility and not only Lambdas (based on Betas) from L1-Q-regression
  • the financial crisis from 2008 much better pronunciated (peak value)
  • also the volatility and uncertainty of the CoVaR of any given company/asset
  • many interesting other features waiting for being analysed, investigated and evaluated...

Stay tuned ...

Lambda vs. VarCoVaR for individual companies ...

  • Black dots: Lambda time series
  • Red dots: VarCoVaR time series
  • Green dots: Squares of euclidean norm of the Beta vectors (from L1-Q-regression)

200 Companies with highest capitalization (S&P 500) over the last 8 years