A clean zsh shell theme, powered by emoji (especially sheep 🐑)!
I've always wanted my own custom shell prompt, so now I built one.
Originally nicknamed "baaaaaaash" by @stroughtonsmith and Sheep Shell by @buzzert, it features the classic sheep emoji 🐑 (by default).
It also features git / mercurial repository status (clean / dirty), a short path, and vi status.
It also goes great with Panic Palette as a colour palette.
(You can easily redefine this in your .zshrc.)
Add sheep_shell.zsh-theme to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/
Pretty much the BSD license, just don't repackage it and call it your own please!
Also if you do make some changes, feel free to make a pull request and help make things more awesome!
Feel free to follow me on twitter: @b3ll!