Sutil Template for Hello World

The simplest Sutil application. This gives you a development area and shows how a single page application is constructed and mounted with minimal styling. See

  • src/App/App.fs.
  • public/index.html
module App

open Sutil
open Sutil.DOM
open Sutil.Attr

let view() =
    Html.div [
        style [
            Css.fontFamily "Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif"
            Css.textAlign "center"
            Css.marginTop "40px"
            Css.fontSize "10ex"
        text "Hello World"

mountElement "sutil-app" (view())

Quick Start

    git clone -s
    cd sutil-template-helloworld
    dotnet tool restore
    npm install
    npm run start

What Next

It's recommended that for any kind of "real" app that you adopt the Elmish MVU pattern. Template: