
Extract the melody from an audio file and export to MIDI

Primary LanguagePython


Extract the melody notes from an audio file and export them to MIDI and (optionally) JAMS files.

The script extracts the melody from an audio file using the Melodia algorithm, and then segments the continuous pitch sequence into a series of quantized notes, and exports to MIDI using the provided BPM. If the --jams option is specified the script will also save the output as a JAMS file. Note that the JAMS file uses the original note onset/offset times estimated by the algorithm and ignores the provided BPM value.

Note: Melodia can work pretty well and is the result of several years of research. The note segmentation/quantization code was written to be as simple as possible and will most likely not provide results that are as good as those provided by state-of-the-art note segmentation/quantization algorithms.


>python audio_to_midi_melodia.py infile outfile bpm [--smooth SMOOTH] [--minduration MINDURATION] [--jams]

For example:

>python audio_to_midi_melodia.py ~/song.wav ~/song.mid 60 --smooth 0.25 --minduration 0.1 --jams


usage: audio_to_midi_melodia.py [-h] [--smooth SMOOTH]
                                [--minduration MINDURATION] [--jams]
                                infile outfile bpm

positional arguments:
  infile                Path to input audio file.
  outfile               Path for saving output MIDI file.
  bpm                   Tempo of the track in BPM.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --smooth SMOOTH       Smooth the pitch sequence with a median filter of the
                        provided duration (in seconds).
  --minduration MINDURATION
                        Minimum allowed duration for note (in seconds).
                        Shorter notes will be removed.
  --jams                Also save output in JAMS format.


Non-python dependencies

Python dependencies

This program requires Python 2.7 (it has not been tested on Python 3 and will most likely crash).

All python dependencies (listed below) can be installed by calling pip install -r requirements.txt.

Known to work with the following module versions on python 2.7:

  • SoundFile==0.10.2
  • resampy==0.2.1
  • vamp==1.1.0
  • MIDIUtil==1.2.1
  • jams==0.3.3
  • numpy==1.16.2
  • scipy==1.2.1