b3s23love's Following
- adambard@Telmediq
- ahejlsbergMicrosoft
- alpertronBuenos Aires - Argentina
- baeowskyPoland
- carson-cheng
- codeholicHamburg, Germany
- conwaylife-dev
- dragoncoder047
- DroneBetterThe UK (a delightful place)
- garethmorgan
- GMorgan87
- GollyGang
- gvanrossumMicrosoft
- hotdogPi
- i404788
- Ian-07
- jedlimlxNUS High School of Mathematics and Science
- just1a-personlocalhost
- Menelion@Oire
- MikePlayleCambridgeshire, UK
- mvrNYUAD
- MysticialSan Francisco Bay Area
- octocat@github
- Orion-Technologies
- Parcly-TaxelSMRT Trains
- platynowy
- rliston
- simeksgol
- Simology004
- simsim314
- sonataop13
- Tyriar@Microsoft
- unclebobUncle Bob Consulting LLC.
- wallabraPorto Alegre, Brazil
- xp2-882030kgz010602
- yujh-yujhToronto