Martini is a powerful package for quickly writing modular web applications/services in Golang.
Goway it's an web framework,The martini framework code to do some optimization.
import (
Within the main function is to write like this:
func main() {
gm := goway.Bootstrap()
gm.Get("/", func() string {
return "hello,world"
In Goway, is configure web app config file.It mainly to inform how the app works,it's an JSON data struct.
// App version
// Application debugging information
// false and true
// Logging
// App run environment
// development|testing|product
// Setting static directory path
// Directory to the current app running directory to the root directory
"staticPath": "/public",
// HTTP Server ip address
// HTTP Server port
In Goway, a route is an HTTP method paired with a URL-matching pattern. Each route can take one or more handler methods:
gm.Get("/", func() {
// show something
gm.Patch("/", func() {
// update something
gm.Post("/", func() {
// create something
gm.Put("/", func() {
// replace something
gm.Delete("/", func() {
// destroy something
gm.Options("/", func() {
// http options
// You can also create routes for static files
pwd, _ := os.Getwd()
gm.Static("/public", pwd)
In Goway, a logger is an HTTP request after call debug infomation
// Tlogs is map[int]string data struct
var Logs = []Tlogs
var log = Goway.Tlogs{}
log[E_ERROR] = "the is error!"
Logs = append(Logs,log)
gm.Logs.Error("the is error!")
gm.Logs.Notice("the is notice!")
gm.Logs.Warning("the is warning!")
gm.Logs.Strict("the is strict!")
//use params
sid := 110
gm.Logs.Error("the is error! Sessionid: %d", sid)
gm.Logs.Notice("the is notice! Sessionid: %d", sid)
gm.Logs.Warning("the is warning! Sessionid: %d", sid)
gm.Logs.Strict("the is strict! Sessionid: %d", sid)
- read test file example/test.go
Inspired by Martini(Go). This framework is simple enough, and the use of modular programming, this is a way I like it very much. Subsequent functional may not continue like as Martini,Goway will learn other good characteristics of the web framework.
Go Way is released under the GPLV3 license: License