
1. Overview

The repo provide a tool to meet the requirements of homework.

[root@bastion ~]# git clone https://github.com/b43646/ocp_deployment_homework.git

[root@bastion ~]# cd ocp_deployment_homework/
[root@bastion ocp_deployment_homework]# python cli.py help

Usage:	Deployment Command

A simple tool to quickly deploy cluster in a similar environment.


python cli.py install|cicd|uninstall|multitenancy

    install  -- install cluster
    test     -- deploy a simple app to verify that the cluster works well
    cicd     -- deploy cicd demo
    hpa      -- hpa for basic-spring-boot-prod
    multitenancy -- config multi tenancy
    uninstall    -- uninstall the cluster
2. Deploy The Cluster

python cli.py install

3. Test The Cluster

wait 100s

python cli.py test

4. Deploy CICD Demo

python cli.py cicd

5. Enable HPA

python cli.py hpa

6. Config Multitenancy

python cli.py multitenancy

7. Uninstall

python cli.py uninstall


Web Console: https://loadbalancer1.$GUID.example.opentlc.com