
Robotic Architectural Assembly with Tactile Skills: Simulation and Optimization

Primary LanguagePython


Pull all submodules

git submodule update --init

Install dependencies

Install the following libraries:

  • openscad (for trimesh)
  • fcl (for python-fcl)
  • libspatialindex (for rtree)

Install a patched version of PyBullet (this is needed since there is currently a bug in the official version of PyBullet's UrdfEditor).

cd /path/to/this/repo/submodule/bullet3
cmake .
pip install .

Install a patched version of Trimesh (this is needed because of a bug with the blender backend):

pip install /path/to/this/repo/submodule/trimesh

In case your fcl version is 0.6 or higher, you need to install a patched version of python-fcl:

pip install /path/to/this/repo/submodule/python-fcl

Otherwise, take the current pypi version:
pip install python-fcl

Then the remaining packages can be installed via

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install assembly-gym (you need to make sure that you are on the branch feature/simulator-abstraction)

cd /path/to/this/repo/submodule/assembly-gym
git checkout feature/simulator-abstraction
pip install .

Our simulation of the Digit sensor uses cupy for GPU acceleration. While the simulation can be done without cupy, it will be significantly slower without. If you want to use cupy, install it with

pip install cupy

Structure of the project

The project is structured in the following packages

  • aggregation:   Classes to generate random stable structures to be used as training data for the placing controller
  • algorithm:   Reinforcement learning algorithms that are used to learn the placing controller
  • gripper:   The interface to the real Schunk gripper
  • scene:   Constructs a general simulated assembly scene (with tables, a robot, and blocks)
  • sensors:   An implementation of a simulation of the DIGIT sensor
  • sequential_assembly:   The planning-based solver for the problem of sequentially grasping and transporting blocks close to their target location
  • task:   Classes for defining the gym environment to train the placing controller on
    • controllers:   Controllers define the semantics of the actions of the agent (e.g. torques, target joint velocities)
    • rewards:   Define the rewards of the environment
    • sensors:   Sensors define the observation that the agent get
    • wrappers:   Wrappers that modify the shape of the actions and obsreations (e.g. flatten dictionaries) so that the task can be used with stable-baselines3 agents


Generate training data for the placing controller:

mkdir -p data/tasks
cd python
python generate_tasks.py ../tasks/box_double_short ../example/rhino_export/box --min-parts 1 --max-parts 2 --parts short -n 10000 --min-parts-to-place 1 --max-parts-to-place 1

This will generate 10000 stable structures consisting of two part of which the robot has to place one. The result is stored in data/tasks/box_double_short. Add the --view-structures option to visualize the structures.

Train a placing controller with TD3

cd python
python run_training.py ../config/run_configs/td3_stacking_double.py

This command required that training data is provided at data/tasks/box_double_short (see above to generate the training data).

Run the planning-based controller for grasping and transporting

cd python
python run_sl_sequential_assembly.py ../example/meshes/sl ../example/sequential_assembly/place_from_top