A Simple Online BookStore

The purpose of this project is to build a simple online bookstore that users can use to search and buy books from.

Tech stack used: SpringBoot application using Java 8 with H2 database (using Hibernate's JPA implementation), along with Spring validation libraries and Lombok annotation libraries, and Junit 5 for unit testing


Every book has these mandatory attributes: ISBN, title, author, price and copies. There can be multiple copies of each book. For simplicity, it is assumed that all copies have the same price and other details.

API endpoints

The functionality is limited to the back-end implementation of 4 basic APIs:

  1. Search a book by ISBN/Author/Title: Separate endpoints have been implemented for ISBN, author and title based searches to keep things simple. Author and title searches can search for partial case-insensitive matches. ISBN being unique for each book, can return only 1 book entity at max, while author and title searches can return multiple books as JSON arrays.
  2. Search media coverage about a book, given its ISBN: A public REST API located at https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts is consumed to search if the book's complete title is present in any of the posts' title or body. Any posts matching are returned as a JSON array.
  3. Add a Book to the store - adds a book to the store if all mandatory attributes are provided. User can only add one copy of a book at a time.
  4. Buy a book - If a valid book entity is provided, then the number of copies gets reduced by 1 and the user gets his book entity returned. While not all book attributes need to match, the ISBN is used to find the exact book from the store to return a copy of it. If no copies remain, a copy is added automatically.

Steps to run

  1. Clone the repository or download the ZIP and extract it.
  2. For development/debug/testing purposes: The project can be imported into IntelliJ IDEA as a project and run from inside the IDE.
  3. Using Maven: Build the Maven JAR and run it.
  4. Using Docker: Build using the Dockerfile inside the repository and run it.