
✍️ Exports static leases from OPNSense into zone file

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Made with Bun

Hibiscus exports DHCPv4 leases from OPNsense to RFC1035-compliant zone files.


OPNsense API

You'll need an API token to access DHCP leases in OPNsense.

  1. Log in to your OPNsense firewall.
  2. Go to System -> Access -> Users.
  3. Create a new user. Do not set any permissions yet, but check a Generate a scrambled password box.
  4. Edit the user, and set Effective Privileges to Status: DHCP leases and Status: DHCPv6 leases.
  5. Save the user.
  6. On the same page, create a new API key for that user. It'll automatically download a credentials file.


Use docker-compose to run Hibiscus in production. Please check the example configuration for more information.

See .env.example for a full list of configuration options.


For local development, you will need Bun.

# Install Bun if not yet
curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash

# Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/b4ck5p4c3/hibiscus
cd hibiscus

# Install deps
bun install

# Copy & adjust example configuration
cp .env.example .env

# Go!
bun run dev