
Fancy widget for hackerspace-bamberg.de

Primary LanguageHTML


A widget to display how many people are present.


Run the relay somewhere where it can access your mqtt. It will connect to the widget and send updates via websockets.


These environment variables are availible:

  • WS_URL: The url where the widget runs.
  • TOKEN: Security token to authenticate against the widget.
  • MQTT_URL: The url of the mqtt server.
  • TOPICS: A comma seperated list of mqtt topics that shall be pushed through the websocket.


The widget should run somewhere on the internet. It needs to be accessed by the Relay and your visitors.


These environment variables are availible:

  • WS_TOKEN: Security token that is required to update, needs to be the same as relay uses.
  • METRICS_TOKEN: Token for the HTTP header to acces /metrics.
  • MEMBER_TOPIC: Name of the topic that will be displayed in the widget.
  • LISTEN: A socket (unix:///var/run/widget.sock) or a address (localhost:8080) to listen on.