
Just some links and stuff idk

IMKC Links and Stuff

This list was made to help with buying stuff for the Indian Mechanical Keyboard Community. Join here -> IMKC DISCORD

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* All Lists are in Alphabetical Order ... I think


Items Alternative List


Pre-builts and Parts

Custom Parts

For Cables


Lube 😳

If you are looking for Krytox or some other lubes/oils go to

If you are looking for something cheap

lubing part

  • Tactile switches :- For a tactile switch your going to want a lubricant that is a lower viscosity. So mix the keyboard grease and the silicone oil in 80/20 weighted quantities, we do so such that we don't loose any tactility on the switch ( also we do not lube the legs on the stem as it diminish the tactility)
  • Linear switches :- Just use the keyboard lube as is but do a light coat for the same, overlubing can cause the switch to feel sluggish and make it unusable ( needs to be cleaned either with a cloth or a ultrasonic cleaner )
  • Springs :- So for the springs just use the oil mentioned and use the bag lube method , but if you think bag lubing is inconsistent you can lube each spring using a brush ( consumes time though)
  • Stabs :- For the stabs just use the keyboard lube as it is, It's thick enough to stay on the stabs and does not separate or drip down ( use a lighter coat of lube for the stab stem and thicker one for the stab wire.


We are NOT the authority on customs, refer to official sources Customs Act, and associated orders, CBIC and PIB notifications etc. However some nuances are listed below here for your reference

Customs are uncertain. Neither the instance nor or the rate is certain. 

If your last mile is India Post, there is a chance it might escape customs.

If you are using any express service, there is near certainty that you'll get hit by customs.

In our experience we have seen 42% being charged as customs - but on occasions, it has gone up to 77% (so it's best to account and prepare for both).
This stands true for most courier companies - but sometimes you are lucky and may be able to avoid it altogether.

Read on for legal mumbo-jumbo. As per circular No. 4/2020 date 21/01/2020, Section 4.1(a), IF your import is classified under "personal" import under code 9804, you would be charged roughly 77% (+ fee to your courier if any, DHL express and Fedex express charge around 550/- ) However the officer might not classify it under "personal" imports and with application of mind, might actually classify it under another header: which might result in a different rate of customs. Depending on your comprehension of the above section, there are 2 applicable rates: 42% and 77%, 42% when it is classified as "personal use other than gifts" and 77% when it is classified as "gift" as seen here: https://bangalorecustoms.gov.in/pad_cont_new2.php TL;DR rates are variable, best budget for it on the safe side, but you may take your chances!

Optical/Mechanical Switches

Optical Switches: Optical keyboards emit light below the surface of the keys. When you press a key on an optical keyboard, the light below the respective key will become obstructed. The optical keyboard will then detect this blockage as a keystroke. Optical switches are only compatible with PCB's that support them. Optical switches are smooth out of the box but investing in a keyboard having optical switches means you can only change them with other optical switches ( so very few switch choices to choose from ) https://imgur.com/a/BX0tDkT
Mechanical Switches: mechanical keyboard, each switch consists of a housing unit, a stem and a spring. When you press a key, the electrical contact underneath the key will push into a separate electrical contact below it, thereby completing the circuit. Releasing the key, on the other hand, causes it to spring back up, thereby breaking the circuit. https://imgur.com/a/BX0tDkT


Note: progressive springs are debatable with actual measurements showing an almost linear increase Springs

Typing Websites


Customs duties are calculated as a percentage of total value (goods value + shipping + insurance). Intentionally declaring an incorrect value (i.e. declaring a lower value) to pay less import taxes (customs) is a form of tax evasion, which is a crime and you can be penalized and jailed for doing the same. Also in case your package is lost / damaged / tampered, you will only get refund as per declared value and you might lose significant money and get nothing. We in no way encourage or endorse undervaluing, you will be solely responsible for the consequences / discussions.