
A simple nvim configuration~

Primary LanguageLua


A simple configuration for neovim > 0.5 suiting my personal taste. While its purpose is to provides me with the resources to replicate my setup on any machine, it may be used as a reference to build your own setups.


  • Major config is in lua
  • Async and ondemand loading of plugins
  • Using vim-plug for plugin management. Forked to allow loading plugins on events such as Cursorhold

I use coc-nvim instead of built in lsp. Nvim lsp is a minimal solution but as of yet it lacks control over the parts of lsp you want to display. I can't make it show me the error codes.

Configs for both lsp and coc-nvim are present just incase.


The folder heirarchy is as follows

├── int.vim
├── lua
│   ├── colorscheme.lua
│   ├── keymappings.lua
│   ├── settings.lua
│   ├── config-folders/
│   └── init.lua
├── plugin
└── syntax

plugin contains the vim autocmds as there is no proper method to define autocmds in lua yet.
The init.vim is initially loaded which loads the lua/init.lua at the end.

" Make nvim load the lua directory
lua << EOF

The init file imports the configuration for plugins as required.


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