
Working on creating and traversing tree's

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Working on creating and traversing tree's

Tree's can be traversed with Breadth first search - (using a Queue FIFO) - Level Order Traversal

 Use a Queue
    • Start at root node
    • while Queue is not empty
    • add all children into Queue
    • execute code on the current node (root node)
    • shift the first item off the queue 
    • repeat from bullet 2

Depth first search - (using a Stack LIFO)

    in pre - order  ---> action - left - right
    in In-order ---> left - action - right 
    in Post Order ---> left - right - action 

This refers to the order of when nodes undergo Action

   • start at root node 
   • perform an action - BASED ON order
   • setup base cases - when do you need to stop traversal
   • setup recursive case

heaps ->

 priority queue systems
 implementing heap sort
 optimized path finding 
 • Djikstra's method (Graphs and Heaps)