

  1. 在左边输入带有缩进的文本,自动添加大纲编号并显示在右边,点击copy完成复制。
  2. 注意缩进时请用两个空格,不然会编号会有问题。

其中主题引用自 JSON-to-GO,代码由ChatGPT生成。感谢。

Welcome to use: https://b528in.github.io/outline_web/


  1. Input the indented text on the left, automatically add outline numbering, and display it on the right. Click "Copy" to complete the copying.
  2. Please use two spaces for indentation; otherwise, the numbering may be affected.

The theme is quoted from JSON-to-GO, and the code is generated by ChatGPT. Thanks.