
Variant calling pipeline

Primary LanguageNextflowMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


A nexflow pipeline for short variant calling from NGS data


Whole genome sequencing data are used for various purposes including molecular typing, classification and phylogenetic analysis. The tuber pipeline processes NGS data to obtain short variants (SNVs and INDELs). This pipeline implements tools for raw data quality control and pre-processing, read mapping, variant calling and filtering to produce a ready to use vcf and multiple sequence alignment files. The tuber pipeline includes workflow of GATK Best Practices for germline short variant discovery, link, which allows users to work on large datasets. In addition to the GATK Best Practices, tuber includes a step to parse the SNV table into a multiple sequence alignment in fasta format. (tuber runs well under Linux OS and MacOSX; for Windows users tuber also runs well under linux in a virtual machine or Windows subsystem for linux)


The pipeline needs the following files as the inputs
1. Raw reads; file name must match the following scheme: _{1,2}.fastq.gz
2. Reference genome sequence (fasta format)
3. (optional) Interval lists (BED format); formatted as 3-column format


The pipeline will produce outputs into 5 separate directories including aln, bam, multiqc_fastqc, vcf and vcf_joint under the directory /user_defined_path/results. Here is a brief description of output files:

File Description
before.html quality control check before trimming- html summary
after.html results quality control check after trimming using Trimmomatic with defined parameters
bam binary alignment map - binary version of SAM (sequence alignment/map)
coverage.tsv summary table of mean depth and genome coverage (numreads, covbases, coverage, meandepth, meanbaseq)
*.g.vcf.gz per-sample vcf
joint_filtered.vcf joint-called vcf filtered with default or user defined filter options
aln.fasta multiple sequence alignment in fasta format (concatenated snp alignment)
pos.txt position of polymorphic sites corresponding positions in the reference genome sequence

Installation and usage

  1. Install dependencies listed in table 1.

  2. Download the tuber pipeline scripts.

    $ git clone https://github.com/b600a/tuber.git
    $ cd tuber
  3. Specify paths and parameters for nextflow (listed in table 2) in the tuber.sh file using text editor.

     nextflow run tuber.sh -resume --ref '/home/bb/ref/ref.fasta' --reads '/home/bb/reads/*_{1,2}.fastq.gz' --results /home/bb/output_here/ --ref_genome 'NC_000962.3' --stop 'true'
  4. Lauch the pipeline execution with the following command:

    $ ./tuber.sh
    $ sh tuber.sh

    Paramters that you have specified, and and processes and its progress will be shown as figure below. For more details on how tuber works, please find next section.

    N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.07.1
    Launching `main.nf` [ridiculous_lorenz] - revision: f29238c695
    tuber v0.2
    Location of reference genome file: /home/bb_20/ref/ref.fasta
    Reference regenome name: NC_000962.3
    Location of raw read files (fastq): /home/bb_20/reads/*_{1,2}.fastq.gz
    Location of results: /home/bb_20/output
    Trimming option (for trimmomatic): SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 MINLEN:70
    Mapping option (for BWA MEM): -c 100 -M -T 50
    Option for HaplotypeCaller (per-sample variant calling): -ploidy 1 -mbq 20
    Option for variant filtering (using VariantFilatration): QD < 2.0 || MQ < 40.0
    (Optional) Stop after finishing step 3 (per-sample variant calling by HaplotypeCaller): false
    executor >  local (15)
    [0a/10fa43] process > PREPARE_GENOME_SAMTOOLS (ref)   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
    [63/a74c11] process > PREPARE_GENOME_PICARD (ref)     [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
    [0c/2dbb31] process > PREPARE_GENOME_BWA (ref)        [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
    [71/d4bb14] process > FASTQC_BEFORE_TRIM (ERR1034689) [ 80%] 4 of 5
    [-        ] process > MULTIQC_FASTQC_BEFORE_TRIM      -
    [f7/9ffdf3] process > TRIM (ERR1034687)               [ 80%] 4 of 5
    [99/ee416e] process > FASTQC_AFTER_TRIM (ERR1034686)  [  0%] 0 of 4
    [-        ] process > MULTIQC_FASTQC_AFTER_TRIM       -
    [5c/7882e7] process > READ_MAPPING_BWA (ERR1034686)   [  0%] 0 of 4
    [-        ] process > COVERAGE_OUTPUT                 -
    [-        ] process > CALL_VARIANTS                   -
    [-        ] process > CREATE_SAMPLE_MAP               -
    [-        ] process > JOINT_GENOTYPING                -
    [-        ] process > FILTER_VARIANTS                 -
    [-        ] process > VCF_TO_FASTA                    -			`				

    Once the run has finised, tuber will report duration time that was used (Example shown below). The pipeline will generate cache files in directory /tuber/work/, you can delete this directory.

     N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.07.1
     Launching `main.nf` [ridiculous_lorenz] - revision: f29238c695
     tuber v0.2
     Location of reference genome file: /home/bb_20/ref/ref.fasta
     Reference regenome name: NC_000962.3
     Location of raw read files (fastq): /home/bb_20/reads/*_{1,2}.fastq.gz
     Location of results: /home/bb_20/output
     Trimming option (for trimmomatic): SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 MINLEN:70
     Mapping option (for BWA MEM); -c 100 -M -T 50
     Option for HaplotypeCaller (per-sample variant calling); -ploidy 1 -mbq 20
     Option for variant filtering (using VariantFilatration); QD < 2.0 || MQ < 40.0
     (Optional) Stop after finishing step 4 (per-sample variant calling by HaplotypeCaller): false
     executor >  local (35)
     [0a/10fa43] process > PREPARE_GENOME_SAMTOOLS (ref)   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [63/a74c11] process > PREPARE_GENOME_PICARD (ref)     [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [0c/2dbb31] process > PREPARE_GENOME_BWA (ref)        [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [c5/ecda54] process > FASTQC_BEFORE_TRIM (ERR1034688) [100%] 5 of 5 ✔
     [66/1b5299] process > MULTIQC_FASTQC_BEFORE_TRIM      [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [9d/5fbaae] process > TRIM (ERR1034688)               [100%] 5 of 5 ✔
     [66/4a654e] process > FASTQC_AFTER_TRIM (ERR1034688)  [100%] 5 of 5 ✔
     [ba/b8909b] process > MULTIQC_FASTQC_AFTER_TRIM       [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [c6/d877d1] process > READ_MAPPING_BWA (ERR1034688)   [100%] 5 of 5 ✔
     [01/b30c49] process > COVERAGE_OUTPUT                 [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [be/aa02d7] process > CALL_VARIANTS (ERR1034685)      [100%] 5 of 5 ✔
     [1c/ebed9d] process > CREATE_SAMPLE_MAP               [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [b2/6117d7] process > JOINT_GENOTYPING (1)            [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [3b/806024] process > FILTER_VARIANTS (1)             [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     [b0/03d1d3] process > VCF_TO_FASTA (1)                [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
     Completed at: 02-Nov-2020 12:36:48
     Duration    : 11m 11s
     CPU hours   : 0.5
     Succeeded   : 35
     Time used: 00:00:00

The tuber pipeline will perform the followings:

1. Preprocessing raw reads

Trimmomatic will be used for clipping Illumina adapters and trimming low quality (sequences in the) reads. Reads that are shorter than the defined length will be dropped. By default it is set as: -PE -phred33, ILLUMINACLIP:TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10, SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30, MINLEN:70 Fastqc will be used for QC checking sequencing reads before and after processing with ``Trimmomatic. Then MultiQC will parse summary stats from fastqc results of each sample to produce summary tables (multiqc_fasqc.txt and multiqc_general_stats.txt and HTML reports in multiqc_fastqc/ in output directory.

2. Mapping, indexing, sorting, and calculating depth and coverage

Processed reads will be aligned to the reference genome sequence with BWA MEM. Default is set as: -c 100 -M -T 50. SAM files will be converted into BAM files by Samtools and duplicate reads will be marked by Picard. Average depth and genome coverage of each sample are calculated from BAM using Samtools, results will be parsed into coverage.tsv file in bam/ in output directory.

3. Per-sample variant calling

GATK HaplotypeCaller will use BAM files as input for calling short variants (SNVs and INDELs) in GVCF mode. Default options are set as minimum base quality 20 and ploidy 1. This step will generate an intermediate file (GVCF) per-sample, which will be used for joint genotyping to produce a final multi-sample VCF file. A list of GVCF files generated will be parsed into tab-delimited text file (named as sample_map.txt) in the input directory. By default tuber will proceed to the next step, all samples will be imported into the workspace for joint genotyping. You can also choose to stop tuber at this step by specifying --stop true in tuber.sh file. You can check the results of MultiQC (HTML reports) and Samtools (coverage.tsv) to select only samples that meet the criteria (e.g. minimum read quality, minimum mean depth, minimum genome coverage) before joint-genotyping. If this parameter is left as default setting, tuber will proceed to step 4.

4. Consolidating GVCFs for joint-genotyping

GATK GenomicsDBImport will create a GenomicsDB workspace and then import single-sample GVCFs into this workspace. GATK GenotypeGVCFs then will perform joint genotyping on GenomicsDB workspace to produce a multi-sample VCF. By default, GenomicsDBImport will read sample_map.txt to import all samples into the workspace. In case users have stopped the run after finishing step 3 for checking the results from steps 1 and 2 to exclude some problematic or low quality samples before proceeding to next steps. If you want to proceed to the next step without any change, use command ./sh tuber.sh to do so. But if users want to include only some samples, users will need to provide a tab-delimited text file in input directory (formatted as shown below and file must be named sample_map_usr.txt)

		Sample_1 Sample_1.g.vcf.gz
		Sample_2 Sample_2.g.vcf.gz
		Sample_3 Sample_3.g.vcf.gz
                .         .
                .         .
                Sample_n  Sample_n.g.vcf.gz

GenomicsDBImport then will automatically read sample_map_usr.txt file and import only samples that are listed into the workspace. After saving sample_map_usr.txt file to the input directory, execute command ./sh tuber.sh to start joint genotyping.

5. Variant filtering

By default, INDELS will be filtered with GATK SelectVariants (-select-type SNP). Remaining SNVs will be filtered by GATK VariantsFiltration with filter settings: QD < 2.0 || MQ < 40.0 (Filtered VCF file will be generated in vcf_joint directory in output directory (named as joint_filtered.vcf.gz)


Filtered VCF will be parsed to produce a SNV table using GATK VariantsToTable. SNV table will be parsed into FASTA format (file named aln.fasta) in aln directory in output directory. Position of all SNVs (in reference coordiates) will also be parsed into a separate file named as pos.txt in the same directory.

Table 1 - Dependencies

Nextflow 20.07 (or later)
Java 8
Gatk (or later)

Table 2 - Paths and parameters

Paths/Paramter Paramter name Default
params.reads the location of the read fastq files /home/reads/*_{1,2}.fastq.gz
params.ref_genome the location of the read fastq files /home/ref/reference.fasta
params.results the location where the results will be stored /home/bb_20/out/
params.genome_name genome name NC000962.3
params.trimming_option parameter for trimming (Trimmomatic) SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 MINLEN:70
params.mapping_option parameter for read mapping (BWA) -c 100 -M -T 50
params.haplotypecaller_option parameter for per-sample variant calling (HaplotypeCaller) -ploidy 1 -mbq 20
params.genomicsdbimport_option parameter for joint (GenomicsDBImport) test
params.genotypegvcfs_option parameter for joint (GenotypeGVCFs) test
params.variant_filter parameter for variant filtering QD < 2.0 MQ < 40.0
params.variant_filter_name parameter for variant filtering (VariantsFiltration) qd-mq
params.selectvariant_option parameter for variant filtering (SelectVariants) --exclude-filtered -select-type SNP
params.stop optional stop after step 3 (per-sample variant call) false

Quick installation of tuber's dependencies

1. Install homebrew and homebrew/science/bio (bioinformatic fomulae)

1.1 Install curl and git: $ sudo apt-get update
1.2 Install homebrew: $ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
1.2.1 Set PATH: $ echo 'eval $(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)' >> /home/bb_18/.profile
1.2.2 Evaluate .profile: $ eval $(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)
1.3 Install build-essential: $ sudo apt-get install build-essential
1.4 Install gcc: $ brew install gcc
1.5 Tap brewsci/bio: $ brew tap brewsci/bio

2. Install dependencies for tuber ( using homebrew) by using the following command:

 $ brew install nextflow \
 > gatk \
 > fastqc \
 > samtools \
 > bwa \
 > datamash \
 > bcftools \
 > trimmomatic \
 > samtools

2.1 Launch nexflow to install its dependencies by running $ nextflow

3. Install another dependency for tuber using pip:

    $ pip3 install multiqc

Schematic outline

Image of Yaktocat