- Report.pdf: Assignment evaluation report
- .gitignore: Git ignore file
- TCPServerMultithreaded (folder): TCP server implementation (visual studio project)
- TCPServerTestHarness (folder): Test harness implementation (visual studio project)
- README.md: Readme file
- test-harness-results.csv: Raw results from throughput tests
- Graphs.xlsx: Excel file containing average graphs
- Compile TCPServerMultithreaded.exe in visual studio
- Compile TCPServerTestHarness.exe in visual studio
- Navigate to TCPServerMultithreaded.exe and run "./TCPServerMultithreaded.exe" in the terminal
- Navigate to TCPServerTestHarness.exe and run "./TCPServerTestHarness.exe ip_address poster_count reader_count duration_secs throttle validate" in the terminal
- ip_address: the server's IP
- poster_count: the number of poster threads you want to create
- reader_count: the number of reader threads you want to create
- duration_secs: the duration of the test in seconds
- throttle: 0 & 1 are valid, where the test will throttle on 1 and not on 0
- validate: 0 & 1 are valid, where the test will validate responses on 1 and not on 0
- The test will commence and report the results to the console as well as a CSV file located in the same directory as the test harness executable