DBoard is a simple, web-based data modeling application for creating Entity-Relationship Diagrams. It lets you draw entities, their attributes, and their relationships with each other. Documents are stored in annotated SVG files, so they can be viewed in regalar web browesers and easily embedded into other documents.
You can use DBoard online here:
Everything is done client-side, so there's no need to create an account or store you information with a third party.
First install dependencies:
npm install
To run in hot module reloading mode:
npm start
Open http://localhost:1234/ in your browser
To create a production build:
npm run build
The production artifacts are created in the /docs directory for Github Pages reasons.
DBoard is a project of Terrier Technologies (http://terrier.tech). We hope you find it useful!
DBoard is licensed under the GPL v3.