
Microsoft SQL Server adapter for sailsjs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


sails 0.10.x support

For 0.10.x support I would advise taking a look at the jaredfromsubway/sails-mssql fork of this repo.


This is the salils adapter for using Microsoft SQL Server with Sails.js.

node-sqlserver setup

Instructions on how to install the node-sqlserver module can be found at https://github.com/WindowsAzure/node-sqlserver.

However this can be a little tricky and problematic, so you can download or clone the built module from https://github.com/swelham/node-sqlserver-build. Extract the zip file into the node_modules folder of the sails-mssql module and you should be ready to go.

sails configuration

You can specify the sails-mssql configuration either by a plain connection string, or you can specify each part of the connection string in a key value pair.

configuring the adapter

Open the config/adapter.js file from the root of your sails application and configure sails-mssql using one of the following options.

connection string

module.exports.adapters = {

  'default': 'mssql',

  mssql: {
    module: 'sails-mssql',
    connectionString: 'Driver=SQL Server Native Client 11.0;Server=Your Server;Database=Your Database;Trusted_Connection=Yes'


connection key value pairs

module.exports.adapters = {

  'default': 'mssql',

  mssql: {
    module: 'sails-mssql',
    connection: {
    	server: 'Your Server',
		database: 'Your Database',
		trusted_connection: 'yes'

Note that on the key value pair option you do not need to specify the driver as the default is 'SQL Server Native Client 11.0'.


  • Required CRUD methods
  • Add pagination support
  • Optional CRUD methods
    • createEach
    • findOrCreate
    • findOrCreateEach
  • Database generation
  • Refactor all queries with a criteria to use sql parameters
  • Batch queries to prevent multiple database calls (such as createEach, findOrCreate, etc...)
  • Need some basic usage documentation

about sails.js and waterline


Waterline is a new kind of storage and retrieval engine for Sails.js. It provides a uniform API for accessing stuff from different kinds of databases, protocols, and 3rd party APIs. That means you write the same code to get users, whether they live in mySQL, LDAP, MongoDB, or Facebook.