Android application to keep track on transactions among friends. App developed using Android studio. Back-end with mySql database and JSON API developed using PHP which is hosted on online server.
Users can create account with their phone number and password. After registering they can login to the application using phone number and the password. From the home menu users can select from four options
- Members
- Transactions
- Payments
- My Account
User can see info about other members of the Boardima and also user can add new people or update/ remove their account.
Users can see all transaction among user and other users. User can see the total amount of money received and given to others. Using the + button user can add new transaction. After adding a transaction a notification will be send to the other user. Users can remove transactons by clicking on "Close this transaction" button. Then the system will send a notification to other user to confirm closing transaction. If both users are confirmed the transaction will be removed.
Users can see common fees and payments need to be setteled. Special reminder notifications can be send using "Send notification button" Users can add new Payments by clicking on + button. User has to add required information and add users who are also payers. Added payments can be removed by user who added it or by an admin user.
My Account
User can send notification messages to other users. User can logout from the APP
This app is working with JSON API and use MySQL database which is hosted online.