
It's my nvim config.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


My NeoVim configuration. It includes my plugins, keymaps, and themes.


To ensure the TypeScript language server can install correctly, ensure node and npm are installed.


Clone this repository to ~/.config/nvim

Run the quick-start found at the Packer repository

Then, open nvim and run :PackerSync, reloading nvim should have all the plugins and stuff ready to go.

Nice to haves

If you want to install the ltex-ls for spell-checking and such in .gitcommits and markdown files, you'll need to ensure you have Java 11+ installed.

If you install it via Linux Homebrew, you'll likely need to add this to your .bashrc: export JAVA_HOME="/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/openjdk/20/libexec/"

Example is for OpenJDK 20, you'll need to check the path to the version you've installed.