
Customized Docker image for instabot.py (https://github.com/instabot-py/instabot.py)

Primary LanguageDockerfile

InstaBot Docker

Instabot is a toolkit written in Python for building Instagram bots using the undocumented private API. Instabot Docker is the docker image that wrap original instabot script and expose required parameters to environment variables.

How to Build

Clone this repository using command:

git clone https://github.com/feedsbrain/instabot-docker

then follow the instruction below. I'm assuming that you already familiar with docker and docker-cli.

Using Docker CLI:

docker build -t [image-name:tag-name] .


docker build -t instabot:latest .

How to Use

You need to be faimiar with Docker CLI. For beginners, I recommended to use Kitematic. Minimum parameter to run this image is:

docker run -e IG_USER=username \
           -e IG_PASSWORD=password \
           -e IG_TAGS=portrait,landscape \
           --name username feedsbrain/instabot

Please check the list of supported parameters down below.


Parameter Description Default value
IG_USER Your instagram username
IG_PASSWORD Your instagram password
IG_START_HOUR Start program at the hour 0
IG_START_MINUTE Start program at the min 0
IG_END_HOUR End program at the hour 23
IG_END_MINUTE End program at the min 59
IG_LIKE_PER_DAY Number of photos to like per day
(over 1000 may cause throttling)
IG_MEDIA_MAX_LIKE Maximum number of likes on photos to like
(set to 0 to disable)
IG_MEDIA_MIN_LIKE Minimum number of likes on photos to like
(set to 0 to disable)
IG_FOLLOW_PER_DAY Users to follow per day 0
IG_FOLLOW_TIME Seconds to wait before unfollowing 18000 (5 hours)
IG_USER_MIN_FOLLOW Check user before following them
if they have X minimum of followers.
Set 0 to disable
IG_USER_MAX_FOLLOW Check user before following them
if they have X maximum of followers.
Set 0 to disable
IG_FOLLOW_TIME_ENABLED Whether to wait seconds set in follow_time before unfollowing True
IG_UNFOLLOW_PER_DAY Users to unfollow per day 0
IG_UNFOLLOW_RECENT_FEED If enabled, will populate database
with users from recent feed and unfollow
if they meet the conditions.
Disable if you only want the bot
to unfollow people it has previously followed.
IG_UNLIKE_PER_DAY Number of media to unlike that the bot has previously liked. Set to 0 to disable. 0
IG_TIME_UNTIL_UNLIKE How long to wait after liking media before unliking them. 259200 (3 days)
IG_COMMENT_PER_DAY Comments to post per day 0
IG_COMMENT_SUBJECT List of word lists for comment subject generation ['this','your']
IG_COMMENT_PHOTO List of word lists for comment photo generation ['photo','picture']
IG_COMMENT_ADJ List of word lists for comment adj generation ['looks','feels']
IG_COMMENT_COMPLEMENT List of word lists for comment complement generation ['great','good']
IG_COMMENT_TERMINATOR List of word lists for comment terminator generation ['!','!!','!!!']
IG_TAGS Tags to use for finding posts by hasthag or location
(l:locationid from e.g.
IG_TAGS_BLACKLIST Tags to ignore when liking posts []
IG_USER_BLACKLIST Users whose posts to ignore.
Example: {"foo": "", "bar": ""}
type only the key and leave value empty
-- it will be populated with userids on startup.
IG_MAX_LIKE_FOR_TAG How many media of a given tag
to like at once (out of 21)
IG_UNFOLLOW_BREAK_MIN Minimum seconds to break between unfollows 15
IG_UNFOLLOW_BREAK_MAX Maximum seconds to break between unfollows 30
IG_LOG_MODE Logging target (0 log to console, 1 log to file, 2 no log.) 0
IG_PROXY Access instagram through a proxy.
(host:port or user:password@host:port)
Unfollow those who
do not follow you back
IG_UNFOLLOW_INACTIVE Unfollow Condition:
Unfollow those who have not
posted in a while (inactive)
Unfollow accounts which skewed
follow/follower ratio (probably fake)
Unfollow (celebrity) accounts with too many
followers and not enough following


All credits goes to the instabot.py team as my involvement is just packaging their work to docker image as I personally use to help me to do my job maintaining multiple accounts.