File "/home/jw/store/src/jmcap/RUNS/bullyboy/./", line 578, in <module>
File "/home/jw/store/src/jmcap/RUNS/bullyboy/./", line 533, in working
File "/home/jw/store/src/jmcap/RUNS/bullyboy/", line 1942, in trigger
g.ohlc['bb3avg_sell'] = g.ohlc.apply(lambda x: tfunc(x, action="sell", df=g.ohlc, ax=ax), axis=1)
File "/home/jw/store/src/jmcap/RUNS/bullyboy/", line 1942, in <lambda>
g.ohlc['bb3avg_sell'] = g.ohlc.apply(lambda x: tfunc(x, action="sell", df=g.ohlc, ax=ax), axis=1)
File "/home/jw/store/src/jmcap/RUNS/bullyboy/", line 1914, in tfunc
update_db_tots() # * update 'fintot' and 'runtotnet' in db
File "/home/jw/store/src/jmcap/RUNS/bullyboy/", line 535, in update_db_tots
File "/home/jw/store/src/jmcap/RUNS/bullyboy/", line 529, in subthread
File "/home/jw/store/src/jmcap/RUNS/bullyboy/", line 515, in sqlex
ySQLdb._exceptions.OperationalError: (1213, 'Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction')
perl -pi -e 's/\\u0000//gmi' data/BTCUSDT_0m_0f.json
perl -pi -e 's/\\x00//gmi' data/BTCUSDT_0m_0f.json
The code expect epochs in milliseconds (from time.time()), for example, 1641838978722, which is 1641838978.722 seconds. If you system does not support millisecond epochs your times will be FUBARed.
Install requited software
To install python3.9 ->
Install the following apps
apt-get install -y git
apt-get install -y wget
apt-get install -y x11vnc xvfb
apt-get install -y qtcreator
apt-get install -y gnumeric
apt-get install -y unzip
apt-get install -y mariadb-server
apt-get install -y mariadb-client
Create if necessary, and move to the root directory where you will install the bot, for example
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
Install src
git clone
Install C library of tech analysis code. Follow instructions at
Create and activate a virtual environment (recomended, but not necessary)
cd ~/src/v2bot
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv ~/src/v2bot/venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install required modules
cd ~/src/v2bot
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv ~/src/v2bot/venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a MySql database called ‘jmcap’, along with a user name and password.
For convenience, create an alias, replacing witjh a username and with a password
alias MSE="mysql -ujmc -pjmcpw jmcap -e "
alias MSX="mysql -ujmc -pjmcpw jmcap < "
The run the following tp create the database:
MSE "create database jmcap"
MSE "Grant ALL PRIVILEGES ON jmcap.* TO '<uname>'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<pw>';"
MSX schema.sql
Create a folder in your home directoy named ~/.secrets
Inside the folder, create a file called keys.toml
For security reasons, you should run the following command to set the permissions of this files, especially as they will hold the API and secret keys of the exchange.
chmod -R 400 ~/.secrets
The file must have at least the following:
username = "<your database user name>"
password = "<your database password>"
NOTE: There is a .secrets/keys.toml
file in the git repo as well that is prefilled specifically to be used for docker, if you choose that option (see below). The program will first look in your home dir for the .secrets/keys.toml
, and if none is found, it will look in the v2bot working directory. You can choose to create a home directory file, or edit the working directory file… but if you do, docker will fail. It’s recomended to use the home directory file for system install, and the working directory file for docker.
Make the program executable
cd ~/src/v2bot
chmod 755 ./
: This is a text file with either word LOCAL or REMOTE in it, no carrianeg return, all caps. This tells the bot which machine it is running on, REMOTE being the live server.
Only testpairs
(variable in config.toml
) that d NOT contain teh word “perf” in them can be used prior to buildign the n-bit performance databases.
Run the program
If you open a new terminal to run the program, you must always run the following first:~~cd ~/src/v2bot~~
source venv/bin/activate -
Edit runtime parameters in
Each time you run the program it creates a session. Each session is assigned a name. Unless you delete the file
, you will always have the same session name. Each time you start a session, all database entries for that session are deleted. -
All files that begin with an underscore are temporary
If the ‘
save = true
’ option is on inconfig.toml
, all transactions are saved to/tmp/<sessionname>/_allrecords.csv
(JSON verion might be broken), and/tmp/<sessionname>/_buy_sell.json
To install via docker to avoid any system incompatibilites or to keep the v2bot modules from being installed into your existing environment: (NOTE: There is no GUI or graphs in the docker versions. For that you need to install usign the above method)
Install docker
Presumeable you have alread git cloned the repo if you are reading this. If not, you cen eiother do so…
git clone
or just download the Dockerfile
(you may need to install wget
wget \
In any case, if the docker file exists, run:
docker build --tag v2bot ./
After some minutes of docker downloading and installing all the necessary software, you’ll see a something like the following at the end of the install.
Successfully built 4d5872a4c572 <- copy this number
Successfully tagged v2bot:latest
Now run the command, using the build number from above.
docker run -it 4d5872a4c572 bash
This will open a shell inside the docker container with a prompt like…
Here you need to run the command DSTART
to initialize thne database.
One finished, you can run the bot which will user backtest data of 5min ETH/BTC transactions from Binance from january 1, 00:00, 2021 to Dec 11, 2021
./ -n
the -n/–nohead
switch turns off the GUI, which will not run insoide a docker container.
To delete all installed docker volumes and images:
docker rm -vf $(docker ps -aq)
docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)
On Debian 9 server, needed to compile python 3.6 locally, with openssl and sqlite3 support
To install modules, need to use pip3.6. 3.6 is installed in ~/.local
~/.local/bin/pip3.6 install telegram
Create a new bot buy going to ‘botfather’ telegram account, and typing “/newbot”
to initialize the seesion file. Edit sessionfile
var in the code to match the correct file location/name.
sessionfile = f"{session_location}/v2bot_remote_cmd.session"
Update server with new
and with any changes to ~/.secrets/keys.toml
On server, run the following. Get number form message to @telegram channel
Please enter the code you received: *****
Signed in successfully as Mishrasigni
Telegram Session Initialised (session file = /home/jw/v2bot_remote_cmd.session
command funtions require the following.
In root’s crontab:
* * * * * /home/jw/src/jmcap/v2bot/ > /tmp/_root_launcher.log 2>&1
- ~/v2bot.session
- ~/v2bot_cmd.session
- jw@
- jw@
trade vals ->
API how-to link -> Binance testnet -> Spot Test API docs -> CCXT Binance module -> Binance REST API v3 -> Binance limit order -> exchange object/properties ->
Check JWFIX notes
add subdir to /tmp/ files
Examples of plots for matplotlib
Info on mplfinance vs matplotlib graphing
see ‘requirements.txt’
(can't install on 3.5
pip install MySQLdb
pip install coinbase_python3
ssh -N -L 3336: jw@ &
mysql -P 3336 -u jmc -p6kjahsijuhdxhgd -h jmcap -e "select price from orders where session = 'Arcadia' and side = 'buy'"
or, after running source ./aliases
RMSE "select price from orders where session = 'Arcadia' and side = 'buy'"
alias MSE="mysql -uroot -pedcrfv314 jmcap -e "
alias MSX="mysql -uroot -pedcrfv314 jmcap < "
alias RMSE="mysql -ujmc -p6kjahsijuhdxhgd -h jmcap -e "
alias RMSX="mysql -ujmc -p6kjahsijuhdxhgd -h jmcap < "
# user granted with:
To copy everything to remote server
rsync -avr --exclude 'safe/*' --exclude 'venv/*' /home/jw/src/jmcap/ohlc/
Note: Setting ‘display = false’ in config.toml stops all GUI output, and only outputs ANSI console data.
On Arch Linx, I needed to symlink v0 module to v1
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
export DISPLAY=:1
Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1910x1280x24 &
fluxbox &
x11vnc -display :1 -bg -nopw -listen localhost -xkb
ssh -N -T -L 5900:localhost:5900
vncviewer -geometry 1920x1280 localhost:5900
x11vnc -R stop (doesn't always work)
ps -ef |grep x11vnc|grep -v grep|awk '{print "kill -9 "$2}'|sh
ps -ef |grep fluxbox|grep -v grep|awk '{print "kill -9 "$2}'|sh
ps -ef |grep /usr/bin/terminator|grep -v grep|awk '{print "kill -9 "$2}'|sh
with save-to-file option ON = 16.05s user 6.54s system 45% cpu 49.787 total with save-to-file option OFF = 16.14s user 6.42s system 53% cpu 42.476 total
Save ‘state’ to mem = 16.21s user 6.61s system 54% cpu 42.095 total Save ‘state’ to file = 15.96s user 6.46s system 56% cpu 39.530 total (it’s actually faster!?!)
coinbase/ # * private API functions
coinbase/ # * public API functions
coinbase/ # * CB order tests # * global vars used across all code and modules # * functions for v2bot # * allows for the zoom function of the matpoltlib figures # * Defines the logic tests for buy/sell # * keypoard listener, for interactive control at runtime
data # * dols backtest files, and word list
logs # * all log get written to here
coinbase # * all coinbase specific code # * the main routine # * grat a block of historical data and save locally # * merges data block from '' # * wrapper for and # * shell script to copy critical files to run run in other dir # * view dataframe (uses PandaGUI and/or Tabloo) # * graphican view of all transactions # * graphical view of all transactions in a loop
config.toml # * loads into g.cvars[] inside the loop
config_*.toml # * saved versions of config files
state.json #* files that hold values of runtime vars
_allrecords.csv # * CSV version of all trx
_allrecords.json # * JSON version of all trx. DOESN'T LOQD CORRECTLY INTO DATAFRAME
_buysell.json $ * recortd of buys/sells limited to the datrawindows size
with 'display' on: 65.87s user 51.34s system 201% cpu 58.231 total with 'display' off: 16.43s user 1.75s system 5% cpu 5:09.19 total
Also, when running with display, the overhead slows the process enough to miss triggers
Run generator with -d as the starting epoch stamp, and -i as the starting counter
./ -d 1514812800000 -i 0
Optionally view the data
./ -f data/backdata_ETH+BTC.5m.2018-01-01_13:20:00...2018-01-05_02:35:00.1000_binance_0.json
Merge all the parts together with -f as the unique filename globber
./ -f backdata_ETH+BTC.5m. -i 9 -b 2021-10-03 -e 2021-11-05 -o bb
To convert date string to epoch ->
Sample data with from-to epoch times
- Oct 03, 2020 - Oct 19, 2020 1633230000 - 1634612400 (bear)
- Oct 19, 2020 - Nov 02, 2020 1634612400 - 1634612400 (bull)
- Oct 03, 2020 - Nov 02, 2020 1633230000 - 1634612400 (bull and bear)
Time/date string format for using
2021-09-05T03:19:00 = 1630822740 2021-09-06T00:04:00 = 1630897440
More info on time conversions...
Using Backdata wrapper
This correctly formats dates and automatially requests the data in 1000 lines per file request, with a 10 second pause, in the loop, then merges those files together. Currently defaults to “ETH/BTC”. To change, edit code.
./ -i 130 -d "2020-12-01 00:00:00" -o ETH1
: = number of time to consequtively request data. 40 is roughly 6 months of 5m-interval data
: start date
: name of final file. Creates 2 file… .json and _data.json
: prompt fpr each load
Add output file name to config.toml in ‘backtest’ section
0_BTDUSD # BTC/USD data (used for price conversion)
BTCUSDT_5m # 5 min OHLC data
BTCUSDT_0m # stream data
BTCUSDT_0m_0f # unfiltered stream data
BTCUSDT_0m_4f # stream data with a cum-delta filer of 4
perf_6_BTCUSDT_0m.json # performance data (6 bit patterns on stream data)
./ -v -p BTC/USDT
./ --verbose --pair BTC/USDT
background process to read and save WSS orderbook data from Binance.
: Outputs each line to TTY (ANSI)
: Standards pair notation (defaults to config.toml)
Reads the config list var ‘wss_filters’ (ex. [0,1,2,4,6]
), to determine what cumulative delta sums to filter on.
tmp file: /tmp/_<PAIR>_<fFILTERVAL>m.tmp
final ‘live’ file:/tmp/_<PAIR>_<fFILTERVAL>m.tmp
‘Live’ files are those that are only good until the next wss input (about 1 sec), which is why they are stored in the low-overhead tmpfs /tmp folder
Both of these files are deleted as soon as they are used, as the program waits on a new file to trigger its loop
historcal csv file: data/<PAIR>_<FILTERVAL>.csv
historcal json file: data/<PAIR>_<FILTERVAL>
Note: The timestamps for streaming data is modifier to make each record on second apart. This is to compensate for issues with trying to plot a non-linear x-axis
‘’ builds predictive performance specs bast on the previous n close values.
The results are stoed in the SQL table ‘rootperf’ as well as a JSON which is loaded into an object at runtime and used (mainly) in teh test cases.
./ -c 5m -b 6 -p BTC/USDT -s data/2_BTCUSDT.json
./ --chart 5m --bits 6 --pair BTC/USDT --src data/2_BTCUSDT.json
: The same time value string used when creating teh data file, typically, ‘1m’,’5m’,’30m’, etc. ‘0m’ means the data is WSS order-book data.
: The number of past values to analyze and reduce to a series or 1/0s
: Typical base/quote format
: Path/Name of existing JSON file in format of a Binance OHLC download
: (not shown) limit count ot n
: filter value (default = 0)
: versions (currently not used)
: auto yes at each prompt
Example query of perf data:
MSE "select perf, bits, pair, chart from rootperf where bits = 16 and pair = 'BTC/USDT' and chart = '0m' order by perf"
MSE "select * from rootperf where bits = 6 and pair = 'BTC/USDT' and chart = '0m' order by perf"
Process wss data
./ -c 0m -f 4 -b 6 -p BTC/USDT -s data/BTCUSDT_0m_4f.json # WSS data
./ -c 5m -f 0 -b 6 -p BTC/USDT -s data/BTCUSDT_5m_0f.json # 5m OHLC data
To create a chart for streaming data that has been filter by 64 with a performance metrics:
Make sure you have a filter set in config.toml
wss_filters = [0,2,4,8,16,32,64]
Select a testing pair where the BUY test uses performace metrics in config.toml
stream.testpair = ["BUY_perf","SELL_tvb3"]
create the performance metris on the filter=32 data
./ -c 0m -b 6 -p BTC/USDT -f 32 -s data/BTCUSDT_0m_32f.json
This creartes the file:
This is the path/filename that is recreated by the valus of the folloing config.toml vars:
pair = "BTC/USDT"
perf_bits = 6
perf_filter = 32
stream.timeframe = "0m"
Make sure the filter val for perf_filter
and wss_data
Remove all data that is below the ‘limit’. ‘limit’ is compared agains the cumulative sum of the differences of since the prevouus limit.
Currently, all vars are hardcoded
./ -l 10 -p BTC/USDT -c 5m -s data/2_BTCUSDT.json
Location | Name | Data | Amts | Algo | Specs | Return | % | Issues | Length |
whalebone | B1 | backtest | lev | BUY_perf/16 | $178,823 | 557 | I.F. 5/19 - 8/09 | 5m/1yr | |
auxin | B2 | backtest | lev | BUY_perf/3 | $172,937 | 420 | x | 5m/1yr | |
Arcadia | B3 | backtest | lev | BUY_perf/16 | mult=1.414 | $237,873 | 594 | I.F. 5/19 - 8/09 | 5m/1yr |
memorable | B4 | backtest | lev | BUY_perf/6 | $390,611 | 987 | x | 5m/1yr |
Location | Name | Data | Amts | Algo | Specs | Return | % | Issues | Length |
Rome | S1 | stream | lev | BUY_perf/16 | n/a | n/a | PENDING | realtime | |
Cody | S2 | stream | testnet | BUY_perf/16 | n/a | n/a | PENDiNG | realtime |