mp4 js player based on broadway decoding
For creating a new video-button, it's need to convert video by ffmpeg utility and appropriate console command:
- ffmpeg -y -i input.mp4 -r 30000/1001 -b:a 2M -bt 4M -vcodec libx264 -pass 1 -coder 0 -bf 0 -flags -loop -wpredp 0 -an output.mp4
- repeatmode - it can takes values «off» and «hand».
- «off» - replay is off,
- «hand» - manual replay will active. By default, auto-repeat is on.
- videopixels - JSON-parameters for videopixel. Example: '[ { "StartPosition": 0.0, "EndPosition": 0.05, "TrackingLink": "" }, { "StartPosition": 0.25, "EndPosition": 0.5, "TrackingLink": "" }, { "StartPosition": 0.5, "EndPosition": 0.75, "TrackingLink": "" }, { "StartPosition": 0.75, "EndPosition": 0.95, "TrackingLink": "" }, { "StartPosition": 0.95, "EndPosition": 1, "TrackingLink": "" } ]'