Create Components with single code base for pure JavaScript, Svelte, Vue.js and React
Unip help you start new plugin project that will going to work in different JavaScript framework, currently we support Vue.js, React, pure JavaScript (IIFE) and also Svelte.
- Use svelte power to create plugin that going to work every where
- Example for every thing you need to create your plugin
- Pre defined Vue.js React adapter
- VuePress static site generated for documentation
npm install -g unip
yarn global add unip
unip create svelte my-awesome-plugin
cd my-awesome-plugin
npm run dev
npm run dev
npm run iife
npm run install-vue-demo
npm run vue
npm run install-react-demo
npm run react
git clone
cd unip
npm link
unip --help
Freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.