#Aspose.Barcode for Java Examples Repository

This package contains Java Examples Projects for Aspose.Barcode for Java.

Aspose.BarCode for Java is a robust and reliable barcode generation and recognition component, written in Java, it allows developers to quickly and easily add barcode generation and recognition functionality to their Java applications. It is available for the Java SE, Java EE and Java ME platforms.

Using Aspose.Barcode for Java in your project gives you the following benefits:

  • Rich Set of Features

  • Platform Independence

  • Performance and Scalability

  • Minimal Learning Curve

These example projects provide helpful demonstrations and code when using Aspose.Barcode for Java.

Aspose.BarCode for Java at a Glance

Aspose.BarCode Overview

##Open Source Feel of Aspose.BarCode

Aspose.BarCode for .NET and Aspose.BarCode for Java are successful commercial products, but our philosophy is to develop them using our unique "open-source feel" approach. In other words, we at Aspose are extremely customer driven and this shows in:

  • Frequent releases (at least once a month).
  • Features are prioritized according to your requests.
  • Unlimited free technical support for anyone.
  • Helpful support in the forums and answers within 12-24 hours.
  • Live chat with experienced technical advisers.

We think that customers who use our products feel that they use an open source product because of the extent they can influence the project, but with the security of a fully committed talented team working on the project.

The Aspose.BarCode for Java examples published here at GitHub is a part of the above effort.

##What's included in this examples repository?


Each example is runnable Java class with its own main method. You can run each example separately and see its output..

CreateBarcodeDemonstrates how to create a new barcode and save it as an image.
ReadBarcodeDemonstrates how to read barcodes from images.
AddBarcodeToDocDemonstrates integration between Aspose.Words and Aspose.Barcode. The resulting Word document contains a linear barcode with randomly set properties.
AddBarcodeToPdfDemonstrates integration between Aspose.Pdf and Aspose.Barcode. The resulting PDF document contains a linear barcode.
ReadBarcodeFromDocDemonstrates how to read barcodes from Word documents using Aspose.Barcode and Aspose.Words.
ReadBarcodeFromPdfDemonstrates how to read barcodes from PDF documents using Aspose.Barcode and Aspose.Pdf.
ReadBarcodeFromTiffDemonstrates how to read barcodes from TIFF files.


  • Input Documents - Main directory contains a Resources directory which contains any sample Documents used in the example.


  • Most of the examples generate output documents which can be found in the Output folder.

###Help Material

For further details on setting up the examples and any requirements refer to the readme.txt found in the root of the repository.

##Download the Examples

Please Download the Aspose.Barcode for Java Examples to try them at your end.

##How to use the Examples?

Download the examples from the above link. You will be able to run these Java examples on any Eclipse IDE.

Once downloaded, you can open the examples by importing the project into Eclipse IDE.

Please change the classpath to correct Aspose.Barcode for Java libraries, which you can download separately.

Below is a list of libraries used in these examples which are specific to JDK 1.6.

For other JDK(s) like 1.4 and 1.5, please visit: Download Aspose.Barcode for Java

  • aspose-barcode-4.4.0-jdk15.jar
  • jai_codec-1.1.3.jar
  • aspose.pdf-3.0.1.jdk16.jar
  • aspose-pdf-kit-4.0.1.jar
  • Aspose.Words.jdk16.jar

The example should be ready to compile and run. Click on "Run" command and see the output on your respective directory.

Note: You can download and use the latest versions of above mentioned JARs

##Contact Us