
cd <TAB> brings standard menuselect in zsh instead of fuzzy search

seflue opened this issue · 4 comments

When I do cd <TAB> in my zsh, I get just the normal zsh menuselect preview of the current folder. Only when I do cd ..<CR> or cd -<CR>, I get a fuzzy search, but for the latter only on already visited folders. I'm using zinit as plugin manager and my zinit config for enhancd looks like the following:

zinit ice wait lucid atload"zicompinit; zicdreplay" blockf 
zinit light b4b4r07/enhancd

I also use vi-mode in zsh. But when I switch to emacs-mode with set -o emacs, the behavior is the same as described above.

Ok, sorry for the question, I found just out by myself: I did forget to set ENHANCD_COMPLETION_BEHAVIOR=list

I did set ENHANCD_COMPLETION_BEHAVIOR, but still have tab completion. using fish

This feature may be removed #191 soon.

PR has been merged so I think this issue has no longer needed