- 3
command not found: compdef
#205 opened by TribuneX - 1
[Bug]: Performance issues
#228 opened by jiriks74 - 0
Hide the menu when there is only one proposal
#227 opened by fadri14 - 0
Choose sorting methods
#226 opened by liangkarl - 2
- 0
alias cat="bat --color='always'" breaks output
#224 opened by CupricReki - 11
- 9
tab completion not working
#206 opened by chevdor - 0
How do I uninstall?
#217 opened by pietraferreira - 0
- 1
Command not found: fd on Ubuntu
#214 opened by fountainer - 0
- 6
Strange output "No such file or directory"
#209 opened by daryapotanina - 6
How to use fd
#208 opened by linwaytin - 8
Getting error after last update
#200 opened by augustocdias - 2
#168 opened by timoleistner - 9
native cd completion
#172 opened by CircleCode - 4
- 3
- 1
Allow for hooking into enhancd
#167 opened by hoshsadiq - 5
ENHANCD_DOT_ARG=... not working?
#140 opened by fogx - 3
- 5
Correct way to provide additional options to fzf
#156 opened by tinng81 - 1
cd .. fails to switch to parent folder when parent folder contains non-alphanumerics like "+" character
#160 opened by mouroutzoglou - 3
Fish cd to non-existent directory changes current working directory to $HOME
#161 opened by LordFlashmeow - 2
fish shell pipe to cd fix
#169 opened by DevAtDawn - 1
Preformance problem with fuzzy match
#109 opened by Vonfry - 4
- 1
How to disable when I run `cd -`
#171 opened by k1832 - 4
Add git root
#110 opened by hoshsadiq - 3
not working on WSL
#130 opened by Light-dev-mac - 1
Odd behaviour with zsh-autosuggestions
#121 opened by gipert - 5
How can i make it work with Antigen
#106 opened by Dentrax - 3
cd hanging on linux
#103 opened by jubishop - 3
got err when run
#153 opened by beauji1116jbn - 15
- 1
__enhancd::sync:7: command not found: #
#159 opened by shroomist - 25
Changing a directory takes almost half a second
#157 opened by Gorthog - 2
Way to bypass any special functionality and perform 'builtin' cd for scripts?
#155 opened by MostHated - 7
cd <tab> in fish?
#154 opened by robdecker - 2
is this works for path that haven't visit?
#152 opened by Jackiexiao - 1
Customizing keybindings for enhancd menu navigation.
#150 opened by tekhnee - 1
Dot suggestion does not work
#131 opened by fnpen - 2
help does not work
#124 opened by zhu - 4
Why auto remove unused source files??????
#123 opened by aQuaYi - 17
- 2
Getting a bunch of errors after installing "!"
#107 opened by g0rdonL - 5
enhancd is not working in zinit with msys2
#117 opened by SavageChieftain - 0
Why auto remove unused source????
#122 opened by aQuaYi - 10
Alias on `find` output errors
#104 opened by pinage404