
cd .. fails to switch to parent folder when parent folder contains non-alphanumerics like "+" character

mouroutzoglou opened this issue · 1 comments

What did you expect to happen?
Change directory through the "cd .." command

What actually happened?
Didn't change directory.
In fact, I think a cd command was executed but to the folder I'm currently in.


> cd ~
> mkdir a+b
> cd a+b
> mkdir c
> cd c
> cd ..

Choose ~/a+b from fzf window and press enter
> pwd
It prints ~/a+b/c instead of ~/a+b
> cd ..
Choose ~ from fzf window and press enter
> pwd
It prints ~

Additional Information
zsh version: 5.8
enhancd version: master
enhancd installed through zinit
grep version: 3.1
awk version: 20180827
fzf version: 0.27.2

Maybe fixed (not happen) on latest master branch.