
Omise Android SDK

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

Omise Android SDK

Omise is a payment service provider currently operating in Thailand. Omise provides a set of clean APIs that helps merchants of any size accept credit cards online.

Omise Android SDK provides Android bindings for the Omise Tokenization API so you do not need to pass credit card data to your server as well as components for entering credit card information.

Hop into our forum (click the badge above) or email our support team if you have any question regarding this SDK and the functionality it provides.


  • Public key. Register for an Omise account to obtain your API keys.
  • Android 4.1+ (API 16) target or higher.
  • Android Studio and Gradle build system.

Merchant Compliance

Card data should never transit through your server. We recommend that you follow our guide on how to safely collect credit information.

To be authorized to create tokens server-side you must have a currently valid PCI-DSS Attestation of Compliance (AoC) delivered by a certified QSA Auditor.

This SDK provides means to tokenize card data on end-user mobile phone without the data having to go through your server.


Adds the following line to your project's build.gradle file inside the dependencies block:

compile 'co.omise:omise-android:2.6.5'


Credit Card Activity

The simplest way to use this SDK is to integrate the provided CreditCardActivity directly into your application. This activity contains a pre-made credit form and will automatically tokenize credit card information for you.

To use it, first declare the availability of the activity in your AndroidManifest.xml file as follows:

  android:theme="@style/OmiseSDKTheme" />

Then in your activity, declare the method that will start this activity as follows:

private static final String OMISE_PKEY = "pkey_test_123";
private static final int REQUEST_CC = 100;

private void showCreditCardForm() {
  Intent intent = new Intent(this, CreditCardActivity.class);
  intent.putExtra(CreditCardActivity.EXTRA_PKEY, OMISE_PKEY);
  startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CC);

Replace the string pkey_test_123 with the public key obtained from your Omise dashboard.

After the end-user completes entering credit card information, the activity result callback will be called, handle it like so:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
  switch (requestCode) {
    case REQUEST_CC:
      if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) {

      Token token = data.getParcelableExtra(CreditCardActivity.EXTRA_TOKEN_OBJECT);
      // process your token here.

      super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

A number of results are returned as from the activity. You can obtain them from the resulting Intent with the following code:

  • data.getStringExtra(CreditCardActivity.EXTRA_TOKEN) - The string ID of the token. Use this if you only needs the ID and not the card data.
  • data.getParcelableExtra(CreditCardActivity.EXTRA_TOKEN_OBJECT) - The full Token object returned from the Omise API.
  • data.getParcelableExtra(CreditCardActivity.EXTRA_CARD_OBJECT) - The Card object which is part of the Token object returned from the Omise API.

Custom Credit Card Form

If you need to build your own credit card form, components inside CreditCardActivity can be used on its own. For example, the CreditCardEditText can be used in XML like so:

  android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

This component provides automatic spacing into groups of 4 digits as the user types. Additionally the following utility classes are available from the SDK:

  • co.omise.android.ui.ExpiryMonthSpinnerAdapter - This is a SpinnerAdapter that provide list of months (01-12) for use in a Spinner control for selecting expiry dates.
  • co.omise.android.ui.ExpiryYearSpinnerAdapter - Same as above but lists the current year up to twelve years into the future.
  • co.omise.android.CardNumber - The CardNumber class provides utility methods for validating and formatting credit card numbers.

Manual Tokenization

If you have built your own credit card form you can use the SDK to manually tokenizes the card. First build the Client and supply your public key like so:

Client client = new Client("pkey_test_123");

Then construct the token request with values from your custom form:

TokenRequest request = new TokenRequest();
request.number = "4242424242424242";
request.name = "JOHN SMITH";
request.expirationMonth = 10;
request.expirationYear = 2020;
request.securityCode = "123";

And then send the request using the client we've constructed earlier:

client.send(request, new TokenRequestListener() {
  public void onTokenRequestSucceed(TokenRequest request, Token token) {
      // you've got Token!

  public void onTokenRequestFailed(TokenRequest request, Throwable throwable) {
      // something bad happened

The Client class will automatically dispatch the network call on an internal background thread and will call listener methods on the thread that initially calls the send method.

Card.io support

This library supports integration with Card.IO Android SDK which enables credit card scanning with phone camera. To enable this integration, simply include the library with your project and the SDK will pick it up automatically. A camera button will be added when CreditCardActivity is shown.

Check Card.io SDK setup as the canonical source of information. For convenience, the steps are summarized here:

  1. Adds compile 'io.card:android-sdk:5.4.0' to your build.gradle dependencies list.
  2. Adds the following uses-permission and uses-feature to your AndroidManifest.xml file:
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" android:required="false" />
    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus" android:required="false" />
    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.flash" android:required="false" />
  3. In the same file, adds Card.io Activity declarations:
    <activity android:name="io.card.payment.CardIOActivity" />

That's it! The SDK should now picks up card.io and shows a camera button automatically.

Authorizing Payment

Some payment method require the customers to authorize the payment via an authorized URL. This includes the 3-D Secure verification, Internet Banking payment, Alipay and etc. Omise Android SDK provide a built in class to do the authorization.

Authorizing Payment Activity

To use it, first declare the availability of the activity in your AndroidManifest.xml file as follows:

  android:theme="@style/OmiseSDKTheme" />

Then in your activity, declare the method that will start this activity as follows:

private void showAuthorizingPaymentForm() {
    Intent intent = new Intent(this, AuthorizingPaymentActivity.class);
    intent.putExtra(AuthorizingPaymentActivity.EXTRA_AUTHORIZED_URLSTRING, `AUTHORIZED_URL`);
    startActivityForResult(intent, AUTHORIZING_PAYMENT_REQUEST_CODE);

Replace the string AUTHORIZED_URL with the authorized URL that comes with the created charge and the array of string EXPECTED_URL_PATTERNS with the expected pattern of redirected URLs array.

After the end-user completes the authorizing payment process, the activity result callback will be called, handle it like so:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    if (requestCode == AUTHORIZING_PAYMENT_REQUEST_CODE && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
        String url = data.getStringExtra(AuthorizingPaymentActivity.EXTRA_RETURNED_URLSTRING);
        // Use the redirected URL here.

Authorizing Payment via an external app

Some request methods allow the user to authorize the payment with an external app, for example Alipay. When a user would like to authorize the payment with an external app, AuthorizingPaymentActivity will automatically open an external app by default. However merchant developers must handle the Intent callback by themselves.

ProGuard Rules

If you enable ProGuard, then add this rules in your ProGuard file.

-dontwarn okio.**
-dontwarn com.google.common.**
-dontwarn org.joda.time.**
-dontwarn javax.annotation.**
-dontwarn com.squareup.**

Note on TLS 1.2

PCI-DSS standard requires the service to communicate in TLS 1.2 or higher using strong encryption suite. This means that every clients must connect to Omise service with those valid suites. However TLS 1.2 support in Android is vary depends on the Android OS. Please follow the following instruction to add support for TLS 1.2 in your app.

Android API 20 or higher

You can use our SDK without any change. The SDK already fully supports communication to the Omise Service using TLS 1.2 with the properly encryption suite.

Android API 16 to API 19 with Google Play Services

These Android API versions don't support the proper encryption suites out of the box. However Google Play Service has the ProviderInstaller API to add support for the proper encryption suite. You may already use the Google Play Service in your app already; Google Play Service includes many common libraries used in many Android apps including GCM, Analytics and more. You can add support for the proper encryption suite with Google Play Service by doing the following steps

  1. Add Google Play Service Analytics to your app grade setting
 compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-analytics:16.0.3'
  1. Asks the ProviderInstaller to install the encryption suites with the follow code
     try {
     } catch (GooglePlayServicesRepairableException e) {
     } catch (GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException e) {

Note: Google Play Service may not available on every brands or models. Please be concerned about the Google Play Service compatibility

API 15 or lower

These Android API levels could not support for the proper encryption suites easily which means that the Android devices running those OS versions may not be able to use to connect to many services on the internet. We recommend you to drop support for those API levels


Pull requests and bugfixes are welcome. For larger scope of work, please pop on to our forum to discuss first.


MIT See the full license text