A set of Babel plugins that enable injecting different polyfills with different strategies in your compiled code.
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Unable to add polyfill for Array.prototype.findLast with @babel/plugin-transform-runtime due to unsupported path restrictions
#222 opened by yceffort - 0
reopen: helper-define-polyfill-provider: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'xxx')
#219 opened by junhwong - 0
Can not use `babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator` with `entry-global` method
#217 opened by zavierkolten - 1
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helper-define-polyfill-provider: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes')
#210 opened by epmatsw - 8
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When I use polyfill-es-shims plugin on my code it tries to import nodeJS `util.inspect` which requires rollup-plugin-polyfill-node...
#205 opened by twilson90 - 0
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Does the option `helpers: true` from `@babel/plugin-transform-runtime` do the same as `babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator`?
#200 opened by nyngwang - 0
Does babel-polyfills have any strategy to deal with repeated injection of different version of core-js library?
#196 opened by nyngwang - 1
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[Bug]: The documentation for babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3 seems to have an error description?
#164 opened by limingcan562 - 2
[Bug]: `babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3` injects imports from non-existent modules in `core-js-pure` when `version` is specified
#152 opened by ernestostifano - 4
`usage-pure` has incorrect optimization logic
#166 opened by zloirock - 5
polyfill-corejs3 won't polyfill some Promise static methods with method: "usage-pure"
#105 opened by giniyat202 - 2
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preset-env doesn't import "array.push" polyfill
#159 opened by Lancernix - 0
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dom-exception polyfill import fails
#185 opened by vskh - 1
no matcing version
#187 opened by Elliott-Hu - 1
Please release
#182 opened by Semigradsky - 1
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Excluding `es.json.stringify` does not work
#180 opened by mohd-akram - 1
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[Bug]: preset-env with "debug: true" lists every target rather than the one which caused the polyfill
#110 opened by use - 6
[Bug] The import path for core-js-pure output by babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3 does not exist
#141 opened by Thiry1 - 0
[improvement] we can provide a convenient tips that can show current project do not support some EcmaScipt, and guide user update related packages
#139 opened by 869288142 - 0
[Bug]: `babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3` transpiled code unspectly when using updateExpression
#133 opened by sanyuan0704 - 2
deprecated files
#132 opened by Metadatical - 5
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What should I install?
#125 opened by nyngwang - 5
Docs: Migration of @babel/transform-runtime
#88 opened by thernstig - 5
Promise is polyfilled when using `.toArray`, even if supported by browser
#123 opened by dosentmatter - 4
[Bug]: parse wrong with babel/cli
#112 opened by lyz810 - 1
Why string.replaceAll was polyfilled by esnext.string.replaceAll when setting useBuiltIns: entry
#107 opened by maoxiaoke - 1
core-js absolute path import getting added automatically after compilation
#108 opened by AnubhutiRoX - 3
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babel-polyfill for babel version '6.3.26'
#76 opened by Hripsime95 - 0