- 0
PSA: this repo has been moved to the main babel repo
#457 opened by hzoo - 1
Polyfill - usage
#455 opened by ramakrij - 1
- 9
i use a few of new features that do not support, but it installed all polyfill.
#450 opened by ouzhou - 2
debug/warn/error info should go to console.error
#447 opened by wmertens - 2
includes function not work in dynamic param
#440 opened by HCLQ - 2
- 3
- 6
Import instead of require for es6.promise
#433 opened by sheerun - 3
Add support for Samsung Internet browser
#428 opened by philipwalton - 5
IE 9 Array (find&findIndex) not work
#422 opened by Faithree - 15
- 3
- 2
Include ES3 transforms when targeting IE8
#407 opened by SimenB - 3
- 1
Safari TP in browserslist causes exception
#393 opened by bhollis - 1
Caching with this preset
#390 opened by timofei-iatsenko - 3
Additionally compile specific node_modules
#388 opened by ianwremmel - 6
Target browsers and Node
#387 opened by AntJanus - 2
- 9
Support ECMAScript versions as `targets`?
#381 opened by rauschma - 3
npm WARN deprecated babel-preset-latest@6.24.1: We're super 😸 excited that you're
#453 opened by wzup - 0
Mixed bundle output, ES modules and AMD
#454 opened by phawxby - 2
#452 opened by sharafulin - 7
useBuiltins: "usage" appears not to work
#443 opened by Smolations - 1
#448 opened by Asudhaishao - 1
#449 opened by Asudhaishao - 2
- 2
- 2
Issues and Babel monorepo
#442 opened by jrolfs - 5
- 2
The bug of the IE11 _typeof function
#426 opened by duan602728596 - 3
- 2
Dynami import doesn't work when loose mode is disabled
#430 opened by sqal - 3
Browserslist targets seemingly not working
#431 opened by Smolations - 1
SyntaxError when used spread (...) operator
#429 opened by luozhihua - 0
#436 opened by RomanYuhimchuk - 3
- 1
ERROR in ../ext_libs/ngprogress.min.js Module build failed: Error: Couldn't find preset "env" relative to directory "... /ext_libs"
#394 opened by ian-gallagher - 6
How to import/export in Node with this?
#395 opened by corysimmons - 1
Options {"loose":true} which does not accept options
#396 opened by Yang03 - 2
mixed-order import-exports
#403 opened by mechanical-turk - 4
IE 10 Map not work
#408 opened by xiaoDC - 2
- 0
Docs clarification
#418 opened by jthegedus - 3
Excluding a target
#415 opened by ro-savage - 2
- 3
async function always be transformed ,
#378 opened by lili21 - 2
Can't use decorators with "targets": { "node": 7 }
#377 opened by elsueno - 4
Couldn't Find Plugins
#374 opened by okonomiyaki3000