- 5
Flow: variance representation - flow compatibility
#645 opened by fkling - 2
- 2
Wrong parsing of inside an arrow function
#640 opened by droooney - 3
Wrong await parsing
#636 opened by babel-bot - 2
- 3
- 2
- 2
Regex unicode escape flags
#582 opened by nicolo-ribaudo - 11
Class Fields (combined) - Stage 2
#540 opened by hzoo - 3
- 2
Miscellaneous undocumented properties
#505 opened - 2
Feature Request: An open plugin system
#500 opened by fahad19 - 10
Incorporating Test262
#633 opened by jugglinmike - 3
Arrow function followed by slash
#536 opened by Ginden - 2
- 1
export async;
#620 opened by nicolo-ribaudo - 3
Object rest inside a loop declaration
#550 opened by peey - 2
Implement proposal-pattern-matching?
#631 opened by azz - 1
- 1
- 2
Parses invalid code
#623 opened by jdmota - 5
- 1
function.sent as an expression statement.
#611 opened by nicolo-ribaudo - 1
- 3
Pattern matching - Stage 0
#610 opened by xtuc - 5
When trying to destructure parameter in a function call, getting unexpected output.
#605 opened by karthiicksiva - 3
BigInt: Stage 2
#569 opened by littledan - 1
- 0
Multiple Decorators with Class as Key
#524 opened by existentialism - 8
- 11
- 6
import.meta: Stage 2
#539 opened by hzoo - 5
- 5
[proposal] merge babel with eslint
#564 opened by lx93uv - 2
- 2
- 3
Unexpected token @ on babylon index.js
#546 opened by francisrod01 - 3
[7.0][question] Node.js requirement: => 4.2.0
#513 opened by futagoza - 12
Numeric Separator: Stage 1
#538 opened by hzoo - 2
Linking with babel causes TypeError
#534 opened - 5
- 6
dynamicImport + spread
#527 opened by jdalton - 1
Object destructuring inside the rest parameter
#512 opened by peey - 3
- 7
ClassMethod key is not an Expression
#514 opened by hasanbayatme - 4
The use of the $ (dollar) symbol throws an error
#511 opened by aissaghouti - 0 should be allowed in class properties
#498 opened by loganfsmyth - 4
- 3
- 1
`{this}` should be a SyntaxError
#477 opened by babel-bot