- 2
TypeScript `TypeParameterDeclaration` start data different to precedent in Flow
#691 opened by JamesHenry - 2
typescript: Support binding pattern in signature
#768 opened by andy-ms - 2
[Presets: React + Typescript] Complex method with generic type fails during transpilation
#775 opened by babel-bot - 0
PSA: this repo has been moved to the main babel repo
#782 opened by danez - 5
- 8
Flow comment parsing
#765 opened by jamiebuilds - 2
Unexpected AST for pipeline operator with arrow function
#763 opened by azz - 2
Unable to parse a class get method with a decorator
#756 opened by mbehzad - 12
Add sourceType 'function'
#752 opened by esprehn - 3
Set id to null for ArrowFunctionExpressions?
#747 opened by EtherTyper - 2
- 5
ES2016 bind syntax does not work with functions
#732 opened by babel-bot - 1
Export a constant with the list of valid plugins
#720 opened by jamiebuilds - 2
Start and end locations when there are decorators
#718 opened by jseminck - 19
Split export extensions into 2
#706 opened by hzoo - 1
- 2
- 4
- 1
Object pattern inside array rest element
#671 opened by nicolo-ribaudo - 2
- 14
Create espree plugin
#651 opened by tunnckoCore - 7
React 16 SyntaxError: Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag
#744 opened by pronevich - 3
- 2
Should we allow Flowtype `import type` statements when `sourceType:script`?
#726 opened by loganfsmyth - 0
Comment Attachment broken for decorators & decorators2
#713 opened by danez - 0
static field initializer as an arrow function containing is not allowed
#758 opened by gsathya - 1
Typescript: ExportNamedDeclaration raises SyntaxError when exportExtensions plugin enabled
#753 opened by traviskaufman - 1
- 2
- 5
How to get the "root" path
#728 opened by zoecarver - 8
Specify ecma version before parsing
#722 opened by Alphapage - 6
Can't use object-rest-spread in a function
#724 opened by tolmasky - 2
Object rest spread doesn't work in non-declarations
#723 opened by tolmasky - 3
how to enable debug output?
#717 opened by jslz - 2
does not support decorators and generator
#721 opened by jamieYou - 1
- 10
SyntaxError: Unexpected token at Parser.pp$5.raise
#704 opened by willin - 6
- 7
- 3
How to get started with learning about babylon
#690 opened by zoecarver - 11
- 2
Add tests for do expressions
#681 opened by danez - 2
is there something wrong?
#687 opened by vaseala - 3
- 6
How to create a custom babylon plugin?
#678 opened by janryWang - 4
npmjs missing dist version 7.0.0-beta.0-ranges
#677 opened by beck - 6
- 4
NullLiteralTypeAnnotation has value: true
#656 opened by nicolo-ribaudo - 2
- 2
Feature Request: Option to allow duplicate Labels
#650 opened by gabeklein