
Invoke appropriate version of Unity.exe without UnityHub.

Primary LanguageBatchfileCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Windows batch file which invokes appropriate version of Unity.exe without UnityHub.


  • Windows 10/11
  • pwsh (PowerShell7)
  • Unity 2019 or greater.


You can set up your Unity project with the following commands:

pushd "\PATH\TO\Your\UnityProject\"
where.exe ProjectSettings:ProjectVersion.txt && curl.exe -JOL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/t-mat/OpenUnityProject/main/OpenUnityProject.cmd

Please note that \PATH\TO\Your\UnityProject\ means the root directory of your Untiy project. The root directory must contains Assets/ etc.

|   |
|   +---ProjectVersion.txt
+---OpenUnityProject.cmd      <===


Run the copied version of OpenUnityProject.cmd.

  • You can invoke it via Explorer, Command prompt or PowerShell.

It will read ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt, find appropriate version of Unity.exe and invoke it.

  • Or it reports an error.
  • It tries to avoid to launch UnityHub.

Usage (#2)

If you put OpenUnityProject.cmd to the %PATH%, you can invoke it as a "normal" command.

cd /d C:\Path\To\Your\UnityProject

Special CLI argument


  • You can specify the desired version of unity.exe.
  • For example: OpenUnityProject.cmd --open-unity-project-with=2022.3.19f1

Note about Unity 6

New versioning convention specifies Unity 6 as version 6000. For example, you can invoke Unity 6000.0.0b11 by the following command:

cd /d C:\Path\To\Your\UnityProject
OpenUnityProject.cmd --open-unity-project-with=6000.0.0b11

Clone & Build

pushd "%USERPROFILE%\Documents"
git clone https://github.com/t-mat/OpenUnityProject.git
cd OpenUnityProject

: Edit and build
notepad src\OpenUnityProject.cs
cmd.exe /c .\scripts\build.cmd

: Make sure OpenUnityProject.cmd is updated
dir .\OpenUnityProject.cmd