
Welcome to the Divination game! In this game, your task is to guess a randomly generated number. The game will provide feedback on whether your guess is higher or lower than the actual number. Let's see if you can discover the hidden number within the given number of tries!

Primary LanguageC

Divivination game

This is a simple divination game written in C. The player's objective is to guess a random number generated by computer.

Game features

  • The game is implemented in C and utilizes concepts such as switch, if, for, type casting, and input/output operations.
  • The player has a limited numbers of attempts to guess the correct number.
  • The game give feedback to player, indicating whether the guessed number is higher or lower than the target number.
  • Points are awarded to the player based on the number of attempts and the accuracy of their guesses.

How to run the game

  1. Make sure you have a C compiler installed on your system.
  2. Clone the project to a directory of your choice.
  3. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the project is located.
  4. Compile the game source code using the following command:
    gcc divination.c -o divination
  5. Run the game:
  6. Follow the instructions displayed in the terminal to play the game.

Feel free to contribute to the project and help improve the code.