Control you're git repo's inside Komodo.
Execute git commands with just a few mouse-clicks or keyboard-commands away.
The following Commands are available trough the addon.
- Git Status
- Git Init
- Git Clone
- Git Add
- Git Reset
- Git Reset Hard
- Git Commit
- Git Fetch
- Git Pull
- Git Push
- Git Stash
- Git Stash
- Git Stash List
- Git Stash Pop
- Git Stash drop
- Git Diff
- Git Diff
- Git Difftool
- Git Diff Staged
- Git Merge
- Git Merge
- Git Mergetool
- Git Remote
- Git Remote List
- Git Remote Add
- Git Remote Remove
- Git Remote Rename
- Git Remote Set Url
- Git Run CMD
- Settings
- Git Add File
- Git Diff File
- Git Revert Changes In File
Komodo Git is on different places integrated in Komodo.
There is a dynamic toolbar button added, also is Git available trough different menu's:
- Dynamic Toolbar button (global commands)
- Main toolbar (global commands)
- Places widget (file based commands)
- File tab (file based commands)
- File context menu (file based commands)
The Komodo Git addon is build so it can completely be controlled using access-keys.
For the ones how want to set up there custom key bindings, these can be set using preferences > keybindings.
There are a few settings that can be configured:
If you uncheck this setting, only the git commands that need to show there output will trigger the output window.
If you check this setting, the output window will auto-hide after showing the command output.
This can be set to the project directory root, or the current places root.
The last option can be useful, when working with nested git repo's.
- Komodo X
- Git need to be installed