
Example project which shows how to track coordinates of an Android device

Primary LanguageJava


Example demo project to demonstrate how to track user's coordinates and send them to your server via RESTful API.

Project to demonstrate how I usually schedule user location updates in the app. It is not the best approach or the most correct approach: just an example. Current demo uses `AlarmManager` to start polling service with associated worker [HandlerThread](http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/HandlerThread.html) each 2 minutes. If you want to update your backend more frequently, consider using `Handler`'s `postDelayed` method (instead of `AlarmManager` with `setRepeating`) to increase battery life.

**Note:** App uses [WakefulBroadcastReceiver](http://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/content/WakefulBroadcastReceiver.html).

For sending location data to server I use Retrofit 2.0 library and simple `DTO` object. For dependency injection I use Dagger 2.0.